Personal Branding Weekly – Think Before You Write
Posting one’s opinions in a very bold and disrespectful way on somebody else’s profile is akin to randomly ringing another’s doorbell and trying to convert them to a different religion or trying to sell them something they’re not interested in.
Even in supposedly mature circles, there are still some people who try to push their …
One Simple Tip To Immediately Increase Social Media Engagement
Between April 1 and July 31 of this year, social media optimization platform SocialFlow conducted a study collecting data from 1.6 million organic posts from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. They found that an amazing ninety-nine percent of non-paid posts generated little to no engagement at all.
If you’re using social media to build your personal …
The Internal Search: An Alternative to Leaving
Sometimes, changing companies isn’t the best alternative, even for people who truly need a job change. If you think you fit with your current company but aren’t being adequately challenged or rewarded in your present job, it may make sense to consider moving within the company. Don’t assume this is impossible. If you seriously investigate …
Grab and Grow – A Plan for Career Success
Grab and Grow!
I have a client who just started a new business analyst position for a Fortune 500 company. I am using the system defined in the book The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter to assist him in getting up to speed.
He was explaining some …
Being Persuasive, Personable and Positive During the Interview Process
With the economy significantly improving, launching a successful job search has become slightly less labor intensive. Regardless, job seekers who are looking to execute a fruitful employment search in today’s corporate environment ought to become familiar with advanced interviewing, persuasion and positivity strategies. If used properly, these tactics yield a higher salary, heightened confidence and …
Overcome the Post-Summer Blues and Energize Your Autumn!
A sure sign that summer is over is the return of school buses’ flashing stop lights back on the streets, Halloween decorations and costumes on the shelves and the tips of Oaks, Maples and Buckeye trees shedding their green exterior to reveal the burnt red and yellow tone at their tips. The air’s a bit …
5 Tips to Boost Confidence for a Job Interview
Rejection is no fun, and it’s why many people don’t venture out to try things that might lead to hearing “no”. But when it comes to employment, you don’t usually have a choice about being in a position to be rejected. Most employers want to see and talk to you before deciding whether or not …
Boost Engagement for Your Personal Brand with Facebook Campaigns
A presence on Facebook is an essential element to building your personal brand. Creating giveaways and other special offers is also good for building a fan base, but these can be easily forgotten with a lack of engagement.
So how exactly can your brand create a winning campaign? The process is simple once you put …
11 Ways to Create a More Human Brand
The following answers are provided by members of Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched StartupCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.
1. Act More Human
“Businesses have a reputation for being …
What Stand Up Paddling can Teach us about Business
Summer is winding down… at least in the Northern Hemisphere. Did you get to try Stand Up Paddle boarding this summer? Or as it’s also known SUP. Did you see anyone out SUP’ing on any of the local waterways near you? If you did perhaps you thought about a few ways that Stand Up Paddle …