MOOCs and the Coming University Mergers
If you are considering going to college or going back to college in the near future, I recommend you read my last post titled How Universities Are Failing Their Graduates, Part 3. I ended it with:
“Dinosaurs are dead. Is higher education (as we now know it) headed for a slot beside them in the …
So Tell Me, What Are Your Weaknesses?
This is one of the most dreaded interview questions, but if you understand the reason interviewers ask it and what they’re looking to uncover, you’ll see that you can certainly prepare for it.
The question about your weaknesses comes fairly soon after the interview begins and typically after such a question as, What are your …
Drudge Work Necessary to Prevail
There is always “something” in everyone’s have-to-do list that resembles dreaded drudge work. We drag our feet knowing it needs to be done, but it just isn’t the type of work we prefer to do and so we push it off for yet another time.
The better route is to master taking care of whatever …
5 Tips for Networking with Influencers
Connecting with influential professionals in your industry can be extremely beneficial for your career. Not only will you have the opportunity to learn about their expertise, but also you will have the chance to get yourself noticed by an influential professional in your field.
Influencers can help you grow as a professional and do wonders …
Mistakes to Avoid When Networking
Everybody agrees that networking plays a crucial part in our careers whether it is for finding a new job or a new client or just passing and sharing knowledge. However, not everybody is doing it right. If you want to network successfully and get noticed by the person you want to connect with, you should …
Caution: Giving Thanks Can Be Self-Defeating
In the US, the upcoming national holiday is called Thanksgiving, which infers you should be thanking someone for something you valued. Thanks for what?
None of us are the original Pilgrims and very few of us are having dinner with Native Americans, who deserve a whole lot more than thanks. You may be sitting down …
Personal Branding Weekly – #1 Must Do to Accelerate Networking
A popular saying is that “Social Media is word of mouth marketing on steroids.” Another is that Social Media amplifies your word of mouth.
Both of these statements are true.
The mistake that’s made is in the foundation or in the assumption that word of mouth in that connections or association already exists. It must …
The Challenges and Strategies of Changing Industries
Changing Industries
Do you want to change industries but find that you’re running into a lot of roadblocks? If so, you are not alone.
A couple of years ago, I had a client who was a PMP certified project manager. He had a lot of project management experience managing IT projects, but he wanted to …
The Mentality of a Successful Career
Success is all in your head. If you want to control your ability to have a lucrative, fulfilling career, it’s imperative to control the way you think.
Those who can’t control their emotions and inner monologue never reach their full potential.
The long-term solution to sub-par success, lack, and limitation lies in our ability to …
Is SEO Still Worth the Effort?
Since its inception, search engine optimization (SEO) has been the bane of many web masters’ existence. Just when you thought you had it mastered, the algorithm changed and you were back to square one. The newest Google update is no different and has had many throwing up their arms surrendering attempts to make the search …