Maintaining Your Personal Brand During Illness or Injury
Until 2009, I hadn’t been to a primary care physician in I don’t know how long. I’m typically very healthy – exercise daily, eat right, all of that good stuff. Unfortunately, “all of that good stuff” hasn’t kept me completely out of doctors’ offices over the years. In the last decade, I’ve had a cancer …
Personal Brands: Take Your Time
The longest emails I write take the least time. The shorter and thus, more powerful my note, the more I weed whack out unnecessary words. The more time I have to prepare, the better and shorter my presentations. I’ve had a year to plan my Personal Branding Bootcamp at UCLA coming April 17-18. Are you …
How to Be a Closer: Part 1
Regardless of whether you want to work for yourself or climb the ladder of corporate life, to be successful, there’s one thing you have to fundamentally understand: Sales.
Yes, I know.
If you’re like most people, you’re quietly cringing and squirming. 99.9% of us don’t like to sell, and for good reason. In sales, you …

The Personal Branding Content Lifecycle
Creating a credible and influential personal brand requires that you create remarkable content. Here is a flow chart that details the different stages of the personal branding content lifecycle. Use it to help you understand the different stages and how to use each stage more effectively as you create the brand called you.
Enhance Your…Leveraging the Brand Created by Your Book
Although writing a book remains the best way to build your personal brand, writing a book, by itself, is usually not enough. Instead, you must build upon, and leverage, the brand created by your book by consistently promoting it online and offline.
In many ways, writing a book is the first step, or “price of …
25 Easy Ways To Grow Your Personal Brand in 5 Minutes
Here are some ideas of quick personal brand-building steps you can take right now.
Use this as a checklist to challenge yourself daily for the next few weeks.
Create a Yodio, recording yourself telling a story about an image. Put it on your blog, or better yet, propose it as guest content to a brand-related…Perception vs Reality in Social Media
Is social media everything we really make it out to be? Is there an imbalance between perception and reality? I would venture to say yes. Before we get into the underlying argument of the two terms… let’s define them (from
Perception: a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.…
Your Personal Brand’s Geolocation
Social networking and geolocation are quickly becoming one prevailing and inseparable unit. Geolocation is the latest craze to hit the social media landscape through phone applications like Foursquare and Gowalla and website integrations with Twitter and Facebook. With all of these new ways of sharing where you are and who you’re with, it can be …
How I Got Published
I’ve been asked a lot of questions about this, so I thought I’d put it out there once and for the record. First, I want to tell you that publishing is not an easy process, but it’s not an impossible one either. If you have a great idea, a fair amount of talent, and an …
5 Personal Branding Tips to Help You Gate Jump
Why does personal branding accelerate your growth both personally and professionally? It is because when you create an influential and credible personal brand you are playing the game and giving yourself the opportunity to gate jump.
Here are 5 personal branding tips to help you gain lift:
1.) Identify and introduce yourself to 10 strong …