Tag: Personal Branding

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

A Cup of Coffee to Demand Generation

In order to close more deals, fill your “future opportunity” pipeline and allow you to command higher rates or salary, you need people to notice you. And solidifying your personal brand is the first, critical step to getting noticed – but time and resources are limited, and contacting the right people every few weeks to …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

3 Ways to Build Your Brand

What will you learn today? Your brand naturally evolves as you gain skills and competencies to function more effectively. Consider these three ways of building your brand and identify a learning strategy that works best for you.

Formal education

Classes and courses are available in many fields to facilitate your learning. Going back to school, …

Brand Yourself AsCareer & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Social Media Profiles on a Corporate Website

As discussed in my previous posts, I believe that the brand of an entrepreneur can be very valuable to a startup – especially in the early stages.


Because an entrepreneur’s brand (especially if they are viewed as an expert in the industry that the startup is in) can provide comfort to potential new customers …

guest postRelationships & Personal GrowthSuccess Story

Reinvent Your Brand the Steve Jobs Way

Five principles that can help you jump-start your career, revitalize your brand, and win new business.

The global recession and mass layoffs have forced many people to reconsider their careers and life choices. In too many cases, their jobs simply don’t exist anymore. In these turbulent times, where does one turn for personal branding advice? …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Jack of All Trades, Master of Two: Branding that Sticks

It happens all of the time. When I ask someone, “What brings you to mind when people are facing challenges at work and they need some help?” guess what happens.

Nothing. Dead air.

“Well, I’m good at solving problems” will then trickle out. Next, “I like to develop strategies to address companies’ needs, then to …

NetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

What’s Your Personal Brand’s Irresistibility Factor?

Let’s face it, all irresistible brands are hugely attractive and always get top marks across the board, right? More than ever, it makes sense – particularly for students right now – to get to work on enhancing their irresistibility factor in order to show up and stand out in this over-crowded and over-saturated environment. Of …