LinkedIn Branding for Today’s Savvy Job Seeker
Did you ever play duck, duck goose as a kid? This popular game makes its rounds in nearly every kindergarten playground in the country, teaching children as young as 5 that being different (i.e. the goose) is good.
Duck or gooseWith 80% of all companies using social media tools to recruit and 95% of …
Do You Dare Challenge Your Personal Brand Anxiety?
For those of you focusing 100% of your time on getting your personal brand 100% perfect, this is for you.
For that voice in the back of your head that gets in the way of releasing your creativity out in the world, this is for you.
Dares and challengesAnd if you’re struggling with any …
10 Tips for Finding Your Ideal Career
That ideal career might seem elusive, but with some effort you can build a personal brand that will lead to ongoing career satisfaction.
Take the time to assess what is really important to you. Inventory your skills, values, interests, personality preferences, and constraints. Identify the lifestyle you want and decide how work fits in with…5 Choices To Best Volunteer Your Way To A Strong Personal Brand
If you take the time to research and choose the right organization, the right volunteering can really boost your personal brand.
Choose a direction, or discover oneI started volunteering at my local synagogue at a very young age when personal branding not only wasn’t a priority, it wasn’t even in my vocabulary.
That’s okay!…
The Importance Of Being Interested
Imagine you walk into a business gathering filled with strangers. Who do you tend to gravitate towards, the person who treats you as a stranger by ignoring you or the person who takes the time to make eye contact and say hello?
Imagine you are in a meeting with individuals you have met before, but …
3 of the Latest Tools to Discover, Monitor & Control Your Online Brand
Your online brand is often someone’s first stop to learn more about the “real you.” Applying for a job opening? The hiring manager will likely Google you. Trying to bring on a new client? I’m sure they searched the Web, looking for positive or negative results about you and your company.
So, as much as …
What’s Your Future Brand? (Ask Your Future Self.)
To get a glimpse into your Future Brand, here are three questions, from a Brand Therapist’s point of view, to get you started:
How many of you wish you had a magic wand right now? Hands up? How many of you wish you could predict your future? Find out exactly what’s ahead for you in…How to Live the Life You Don’t Want
The easiest way to become trapped in your career is to put on a pair of golden handcuffs. If you want your career and personal brand to move in a positive direction it is important to recognize and avoid this trap.
Avoid the trapThe golden handcuffs refers to staying in an unpleasant situation that …
New Years Resolutions for Entrepreneurs & Personal Branding
Happy New Year! As entrepreneurs begin another year of running their business, or decide that this is the year they will start their own company, here are some personal branding resolutions all entrepreneurs should have:
1) I will blog moreYou want to further your brand and expertise. There’s no better way than to share …
The Hunchback Persian Prince
Admit it … You want to be more than you are. Everyone does. We all believe that there is a greater day ahead for us.
Even the icons of business, entertainment and professional sports – with all the stature they have amassed – seek to advance their brand. Like you (albeit on a much higher …