What ‘Angry Birds’ Can Teach About Getting Hired
Those bouncy, chirpy, flipping birds . . . what’s got them going so and why do we care? The pigs have taken the birds’ eggs and are holding them in their lair, which is surrounded by various barriers to prevent entry. Our mission is to get the eggs …
What Your Social Media Username Says About Your Brand
While it may seem like a trivial task, choosing your username for your social media properties (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube username, Gmail username) is an important branding task. Often, your username will serve as the “first impression” a new viewer has to your brand. In an attempt to make the process easier, I’ve included my views …
Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #11
Responses to recent tweets by people about personal branding and Gen-Y, Twitter, presentations and lack of focus.
Jeff Putthoff, @putthoff, twittered: #comingofage having a personal brand as a youth. Is it possible to think about this at such a young age? Ti me is a different perspective
Jacob Share, @jacobshare: It’s true. On the one …
The Seeds Of Altruism
A consistent message in the world of networking is that if you want to get things from those in your network, you need to resolve to give first.
Now if you are focused on giving so you get from our network, great. But the fact of the matter is that if this is the only …
Customer Service = Brand
The past few weeks have been an interesting experience and a lesson in terms of “what good does not look like” in the wonderful world of customer service. Here is the situation. I am in the midst of trying to move some retirement money around and have been doing so for the better part of …
Minimum Effort to Create and Maintain Your Personal Brand
Creating and maintaining your personal brand may seem very time-consuming to some people. While it’s important to create an authentic brand and product results, it doesn’t mean you have to spend a ton of time doing so.
Great yield and less timeCheck out these few ways to reach the same outcome but with less …
Take Your Time Developing Your Personal Brand
“Does your brand splash around and do cannonballs off the side of the pool, or do you dive straight in and swim with a smooth, steady stroke”?
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your personal brand, reputation or business. Trying to rush it, bombard people with it and be too much in …
9 Odd Strategies for Coaxing Out Your Brilliance
The nice thing about being human is that you don’t have to be normal. You can choose to be odd, for example. I prefer odd. Particularly odd brands. If there’s a quirky or idiosyncratic vibe going on, all the better. Why? An odd brand tells me something vital is going on. For a personal brand, …
A Cup of Coffee to Niel Robertson and His Crowd
The fact that Niel Robertson spells his name with an “i” before the “e” isn’t the only thing that makes him unique. He has successfully founded two software companies, and is currently going gangbusters with his third start up. On top of being an incredibly savvy businessman in the heart of pounding Boulder, CO entrepreneurial …
DISCIPLINE: The Most Important Word in the English Language
Discipline is doing what you don’t want to do… in pursuit of what you want.
I’m not sure discipline can be defined any better. If things were easy to do and you were excited about doing them, you wouldn’t need to be disciplined. Here’s an interestingly fact: Success, happiness, and achievement are easy ! How …