Tag: Personal Branding

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Real Salaries of 2011: What to Expect in 2012

Considering a new career? Before you jump into a new industry or profession, read this. From personal chefs to commercial pilots, corrections officers and celebrity realtors, here’s what they actually made last year.

Personal chefs to plastic surgeons

Allison, a PA-based personal chef, $55,000 Angela, Social Media Manager, $42,000 AnneMarie, Newspaper Reporter, $26,000 Cindy, Elementary …

Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Above All Else, Your Personal Brand is a Story

People love stories.

Humans learn most effectively through stories.

Friends are made by sharing stories.

Sales are closed through stories.

You are missing out on the value of your personal brand if it isn’t a story.

Stories are one of the most effective forms of social currency. They build powerful connections between ideas, people and …