Personal Branding Extortion: Your Money or Your Reputation
Has a copyright issue lead to threats of extortion? You be the judge.
BackgroundOver on JobMob back in March 2010, I published 20 Funniest Job Search and Work FAIL Pictures, a collection that was gathered from around the web.
One of the images initially included in that article was from a photographer’s Flickr stream. …
The Existential Laws of Leadership
Soren Kierkegaard’s “Attack Upon Christendom” is not an attack on his beloved Christianity per se, but rather an indictment of how the Church of Denmark had diluted and trivialized what it meant to be a Christian.
According to Kierkegaard, the State’s approach to institutional worship had commoditized faith and done damage to what he felt …
How to Say “No” Without Damaging Your Brand
Branding success for both businesses and individuals involves more than just attracting and building a loyal following; it also requires retaining your followers’ loyalty…even when you have to say “no.”
You can’t turn your brand “on” or “off” like …
How To Increase Your Visibility & Networking Quietly
You’re not ready to go public with your job search, but you want to cultivate higher visibility in your industry and grow your connections to key decision-makers.
Before you go pasting on nametags three times a week, take a couple of lesson in stealth networking. Then consider how your career moves will look to your …
Make Your Personal Brand Visible with Newsle
A crucial element for maintaining a personal brand is having credibility. Building credibility by sharing relevant content and managing your online reputation is a no-brainer. In fact, while you could be an exceptional expert in your field online, what good is it to your personal brand if your efforts aren’t visible to your network? Newsle …
Does Your Brand Rational-Lies?
[Sponsored Post: If you’re serious about your personal brand then you need your own website. That starts with a great domain name. Get yours at]
I’m hearing more stories about people being underemployed. And though underemployment is not “ideal’ for someone who just obtained their Bachelors or Masters degree- being employed is better than …
Video Games: Building a Brand Outside of the Basement
Today’s post is written by T.K. Brown.
An industry once associated with introverts and basement dwellers has finally ascended from the underground and into the light of mainstream media. For outsiders, this may have come as a surprise, but for those who are close to the industry, the transition was inevitable. Gone are the days …
Intelligent Laziness: Choosing Quality over Quantity
This is the final part of my series on Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Mindset Shift. You can read the other posts in this series here: Part One: Your Personal Brand Needs a Mindset Shift Part Two: Normal is Not Enough and Part Three: Answer the Why! **********************
I hear from job seekers on …
Network Like You (Should) Date.
All too often, networking events feel like going to a bad singles’ mixer. There’s always that one guy racing around the venue, collecting contact info like it’s a contest. Or that one woman you just met who asks invasive premature questions about your work trying to decide if you’re the “one” (who can help her …
Don’t Fall For The “I Know People” Trap
There are many different types of potential clients you’ll come across and there will come a time where, if the discussions turn serious enough, you’ll enter what should be a negotiation phase for your services.
However, there are certain prospects who aren’t negotiating as much as playing games and it’s important to separate these pretenders …