Tag: Personal Branding

Brand Yourself
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

4 Ways To Brand Yourself As A Superior Candidate

In last week’s column, we discussed what causes your resume to brand you as a commodity candidate – and also how to recognize if you’re using commodity branding.

This week, let’s discuss a solution …

Instead of branding yourself as a commodity, why not brand yourself as a superior candidate?

In today’s job market, satisfying …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Social Networking Occurs Offline Too

There’s no question that social media has changed the way we all communicate.  Be it Twitter or Facebook; Yammer or Reddit;  LinkedIn or Pinterest.  We are all using these tools on a daily basis to share information, learn something new, have a laugh, and most importantly, connect with others.  As we use social media to …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Relive Your Glory Through Your Child and Social Media

Okay, so you didn’t get to be a professional ballplayer, dancer, actor, musician, beauty queen, or whatever. But you had kids to continue the dream. After all, if you couldn’t make it, they could, and you’re going to ride their success to the top with them.

As your child climbs the ladder of success, after …

authors cornerCareer & WealthMarketingRelationships & Personal Growth

Kickstarter: How Seth Godin Succeeded and You Can Too

Just in case you haven’t heard, best-selling author Seth Godin met his funding goal on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter in a mere 3 hours.

Thousands of dollars are still pouring into his project and backers have until July 17 to get in on the rewards Seth is offering on Kickstarter, like advance copies of his …

Job SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Integrate your Personal Brand into Your Resume

You may think a resume is just a resume—same old thing for everyone, right? Not quite. A resume can be a vital component of your personal brand. Resumes aren’t just for people seeking employment; they offer a professional overview of your experiences and help distinguish you as an individual whether you run your own business …

Your Resume Brands You As A Commodity
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

3 Reasons Your Resume Brands You As A Commodity

You wouldn’t describe yourself as a commodity, would you? Make sure your resume reflects this. 

You especially wouldn’t describe yourself as a commodity when looking for a job. Who would say in a job interview, “You should hire me because I’m exactly the same as everyone else?”

So you’re probably thinking, “I’d never write a …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

Should You Show Your Stripes? Politics & Your Personal Brand

In this highly contentious election year, politics are everywhere. Surf the web, flip the channels, or tune your radio and right before your very eyes or ears talking heads everywhere are dissecting and opining on politics in the U.S. and the 2012 Presidential Election.

According to the Pew Research Center, the political climate in the …