Tag: Personal Branding

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

With Facebook’s Social Job App, Time to Clean Up

Now that Facebook has announced their Social Jobs app, it’s a good time for you to consider cleaning up your profile page and making other adjustments.  You’ve all heard advice about your Facebook profiles before – but if you’re going to take the next step and use Facebook to find a job – it’s time …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

One Sentence You Should Never Say at Work

Our jobs can be a challenge amidst all the change that invariably is happening at our companies. Whether we are at a fast growing start-up, a huge corporation adapting to new market conditions and competitors or somewhere in between, odds are this is a reality of work.

No matter what your job, company or industry, …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

How Thought Crimes Kill Personal Brands

After leading a weekend boot camp in Personal Branding on the UCLA campus, I am worn out and so are our “campers.” Sixteen hours of anything is hard, and personal branding is no exception. It’s not like we were lifting boulders or building walls, except that we were: mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

The first stage …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Branding Your Resume For Intelligence

You know that you’re smarter than the average bear, but how can you give your resume reader that first impression?

Most job seekers try to do this directly, using adjectives that say “I’m smart!”.

Since most of us have average intelligence, few employers believe direct statements – everyone feels they’re smart, while many candidates have …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Hurricanes, Destruction and Rebuilding: The Only Constant is Change!

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. This catastrophic event sent shock waves across the country; she threatened the stability of our lives and underscored how little control we really have at certain times in our lives. With billions of dollars in property loss and the death toll having climbed …