4 Ways Using Your Review Improves Your Brand
At this time of year, many companies are undergoing their annual performance review processes. While the value of performance reviews, as we’ve come to know them, can be debated, a review presents the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your brand with your boss, and with the company.
Dress Up – I used to manage …
Your Branding – Super Bowl or Super Bust?
This year’s Super Bowl was quite the event from the heart-racing game play to the 34-minute power outage. One thing that also stood out were the ads–or lake thereof.
Don’t get me wrong…I definitely think there were some winners. Anheuser-Busch’s Clydessdale ad was a sweet addition and Jeep hit it out of the park with …
How to Take Credit for Your Work
“Yeah. In a couple days we are presenting to our executive team and I wanted to see if you had that one report we went over at our last team meeting. I wanted to include it,” explained one of the other managers in my office.
“What is the topic?” I inquired.
“The presentation is about …
Use Resume Real Estate To Amplify Your Personal Brand
What you put on your resume is part of how you brand yourself. But where you place information on your resume can amplify it … or bury it.
You might have all the right information on your resume that brands you as the superior candidate. But if you place that information in the wrong place, …
Self-Confidence and Your Personal Brand
Self-confidence, while hard to build, is a key component to any personal branding. In nearly any type of business, successful job search or fulfilling career, when we are confident in our personal brands through a strong sense of self-worth, our capabilities are as limitless as our imagination.
Conversely, when we lack the self-confidence necessary to …
Building Your Brand While Working Remotely
As the footprint of companies spreads geographically, today, more and more workers are working remotely, rather than in a corporate office. While telecommuting can bring benefits, like flexible work hours, it can also prove challenging when it comes to building your personal brand internally at your company.
So how can remote workers enhance their brand?…Personal Branding is Not Personal Bragging
You have permission to talk about yourself in pleasant, glowing terms. You have permission to tell people about your accomplishments, and that you’ve done great and wonderful things that helped your employers or people who work for you.
Too many people hesitate to talk about themselves, because they’ve been taught that to talk about their …
How to Deal With A Difficult Boss
In a perfect world, you love your job and your boss. But often times it’s one or the other. If you enjoy your position at a company, but can’t say the same about your supervisor, there are ways to manage your manager short of quitting.
“You have to determine if it’s an isolated situation or …
Personal Brands: 3 Mistakes You Silently Make in Conversations
There’s only one common factor that’s shown up in every single conversation you’ve ever had. You are the variable that shows up over and over. You have been talking for decades by now – and that’s landed you exactly where you are.
You’ve been talking in job interviews. Negotiating in salary discussions. Debating your colleagues …
Personalized Hiring Manager References Improve Your Personal Brand
Your references can mean the difference between being winning the job vs just being a finalist.
Can your references increase the chances you’ll actually win the job over the other finalists?
Think about your references from past employers. Sure, all your references probably say great things about you (otherwise you probably wouldn’t list them as …