Three Common Leadership Disconnection Phrases
Coaching ability is a leadership skill that almost everyone can benefit from. Whether you are managing a large organization of employees or you are a solopreneur that spends all day talking to potential clients – we can’t understand the power of the words we use during “coaching” opportunities. The last thing leaders want to do …
Hoarders At Work: Get Help Before It’s Too Late
When you have to separate a very talented person from your company, it hurts. As my partner often repeated, “Nice beats genius every time.” That means playing nice – whatever else you do, make sure you fit into the culture and connect with people at work in a polite and congenial way. Respect for others …
How Solo-Entrepeneurs Can Take Guilt Free Vacations
You are reading this while I am with my wife on a beach in Belize.
It’s our first vacation (or “holiday” as the Europeans call it) of 2014.
As a solo entrepreneur vacations stress me out.
If I’m not connecting with clients and prospects I’m losing touch with my business and may not have one …
Greener Grass? – Leave for the Right Reasons
So there can be many benefits to switching jobs. Moving to another company is likely to bring you a bigger and quicker raise and perhaps an opportunity for promotion. And many people find it stimulating and refreshing to periodically take on new challenges, new surroundings, and new colleagues. There’s an excitement about changing jobs that …
Bland to Brand with Appreciation
As a small business entrepreneur, having co-workers and team members who share your passion to make the business improve and who value each other is a great gift.
What do people do when they don’t feel valued?
Some people will show outward signs of displeasure (weary, discouraged faces), yet many will internalize it. In such …
7 Signs Your Sales Training Needs A Revamp
What better time to start looking at creating, rebuilding or tweaking your sales training program? When was the last time your company took a look at how they are developing the people who capture the revenue that fuels everything else? Or if you are a solopreneur, what has been the ROI on the programs you …
Maintain Your Brand When You’re at Your Lowest
Sometimes, life just isn’t fair.
You could be at the top of the world one day, only to have a tragic event or accident send you spiraling down into a pit of nothingness.
If it has happened to you before, you may think your personal brand is the last thing you need to worry about. …
Why Your Boss is a Jerk
Your boss is a jerk, right? It’s pretty likely you’ve told someone this or you’ve at least thought it. In an informal survey of people I’ve met in my seminars, on planes and at dinner parties over the last 20 years: out of four workers I’ve met has repeated the same refrain: “My boss is …

Countering the Damage of Sarcasm in Workplace Communication
At a specific time within my seminar on “The 7 Deadliest Communication Sins,” I take on the topic of sarcasm at work. Firstly, I ask two very important questions about audience members’ experience with regard to this specific issue as it impacts interpersonal communication and workplace communication.
These two questions are:
How many of you…7 Key Characteristics to Job Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction
Do you love or hate your job? Do you know why you feel the way you do? What about your current job, makes you happy or makes you want to pull your hair out?
Let’s discuss 7 key characteristics of your current job.
1. Boss
The number one reason people leave their jobs is the …