Tag: job search

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Hiring Opposite Keirsey Temperaments to Grow Your Company

The problem most people have when hiring new employees is the tendency to hire people just like themselves. Engineering firms that need a marketer look for engineering-types with marketing experience. Creative types who need someone to manage the office look for other creatives who have operations experience.

It’s a problem for many leaders — they …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Your Attitude: Career Maker or Career Breaker?

YOU … and the impressions you make on others … are the essence of your personal brand. Do you tend to smile or frown? Slump or stand confidently? Speak positively or negatively? Listen attentively or appear distracted? Do you have control over the impressions you make, or are you unaware of them?

I have carefully …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Branding Your Linkedin Profile For Job Search

Your Linkedin profile and your resume are each used differently by employers and used for different purposes.

However, I get asked all the time if making your Linkedin profile identical to your resume is a wise idea. Linkedin must think it is … since they have an app that automatically loads your profile data into …

InterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

6 Reasons Why Your Interviews Are Not Going Well

There are dozens of reasons why some job interviews don’t go well. Contrary to popular belief, these variables don’t always have to do with the job seeker nor are they indicative of that individual’s career potential. As an applicant, if you feel you’re not interviewing as well as you could be, you’re not alone.

Read the Rest →
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Employers Use Your Resume And LinkedIn Profile Differently

Many job seekers make the mistake of assuming that their resume and LinkedIn profile are the same thing.

… they’re not.

Job seekers who consider their LinkedIn profile to be equivalent to their resume can miss major opportunities to differentiate themselves resulting in lost job opportunities.

You can differentiate yourself much more effectively as a …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Face To Face Personal Branding

Your resume is the traditional way job seekers create their personal brand. It’s the first impression that most job seekers make.

But there’s a downside to creating your personal brand through a resume.

Your resume is prescreened between 2-5 times before a hiring manager sees it.

What does that mean to you? It means most …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Job Search Mistakes Show You’re Not Paying Attention

Applying for jobs is one of the most burdensome aspects of the job search process. Cover letters, resumes, applications – lots of paper work requiring sharp attention to detail.  With so many things to pay attention to, people are bound to make mistakes. But as we all know, every little thing counts when it comes …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Don’t Look Desperate During The Job Search

When you’re desperately looking for work, that desperation screams to hiring managers during your interview. You’re eager in your answers. You stress that no problem is too big for you to handle, no request too crazy. You even try the occasional Jedi mind trick, just in case.

It can be a little off-putting. So do …