Personal Branding Weekly – We Want What You Have
As a small business owner, that’s what you want to hear from your target market (the specific audience that you provide service or products to). That does require that you’re visible to your target and that know who you are, that they like you enough to do business with you and that they trust who …
Freelancers, Stop Accepting Low Pay
It’s a damn shame to see what some companies are offering freelancers. It’s even more shameful to think that there are freelancers who will accept it.
One content marketing website that posts freelance opportunities is filled with requests for professional, experienced writers who are knowledgeable in their field to write 300 – 500 word blog …
Telecommuters: Keep Your Value in Your Employer’s Mind
Citing a goal to improve collaboration between employees, HP followed Yahoo!’s lead by ordering telecommuters back to the office. Studies report that telecommuters are more productive and lower overhead expenses, but telecommuting does create challenges in collaboration and communication. Telecommuters are out of sight and therefore out of mind. As a result, they’re often viewed …
Tools Don’t Matter, Skill Does
In the ongoing debate over the existence of social media experts, people point to the ever changing landscape of social media as their evidence that there’s no such thing as experts. The anti-expert side argues that the mere fact that social media tools pop in and out of existence, or that they dramatically change their …
Public Speaking: Turning My Fear Into Fulfillment
Fear of public speaking comes very close to the fear of death; Comedian Jerry Seinfeld mentioned it during one of his shows. For Seinfeld it may not be as bad, but for me it was always a big fear and I never really dared to be the lonely one at the podium. As a coach …
Confronting Aging and Work-Related Issues
Asked to leave or fired: it really doesn’t matter what you call it. Come Monday morning, and there’s no place to go to work. Many people face that predicament, and the first thing that comes to their mind—for some at least—is that the culprit is their age. A new and younger generation is pushing them …
Passed Over for the Top Job
You have spent years building your application – solid experience, top skills, and a solid reputation. You are ready to take the leap to the next level within your organization only to see the opportunity go to someone from the outside. What are you to do? Two years ago, the Chronicle of Higher Education posted …
Personal Branding Weekly – Persistent and Consistent Action
Losing weight has always been challenging for me and I know why. I consistently eat yet I work out in spurts. Inspiration hits and I’m off and running (literally) and I will sustain that level for a short time and then I’ll get “too busy” and it will be days before I do any substantial …
Improve Your Best Skills, Not Your Worst Ones
Several years ago, I was the sales and marketing director for a small software company. One day, my boss said he wanted me to work on my tech support, since that wasn’t a very strong skill for me.
“But I do marketing,” I said. “Why do I need to get better at tech support?”
“Because …
To Effect Change… You Need to be Heard
How many times have you said to yourself … They just aren’t getting what I’m trying to say? Or otherwise felt you weren’t being heard?
Perhaps they weren’t and you weren’t!
There are numerous factors that could be affecting whether or not you are being heard. Some are within your control and others are completely …