3 Reasons Entrepreneurs Fail as Managers
Let’s face it, most entrepreneurs are inept managers. For the majority of small business owners (especially those who have spent little to no time in a formal corporate environment), management is a paramount challenge that prevents them from achieving company growth.
In many instances, consistently poor employee management leads to the eventual demise of the …
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
The Fact is …
You have to keep learning.
You need to continue adapting.
Your Career Depends On It
The modern definition of a career is changing. In the past you could work at the same job year-in and year-out. You could put in your 20, 30 or even 40 years of service. Then get …
How to Be Proactive to Exceed Goals
Looking at the biggest picture possible for what you wish to ultimately accomplish will help you to develop a robust plan to make it happen. Notably, your grand vision is more likely to be achieved if it comes from a deeply rooted desire to see it come to life. It is something you carry with …
21 Steps to Take Today to Ensure Tomorrow’s Success
1. Complete final tasks for 2015. Review all loose ends to be finalized to fully enjoy celebration of the year end.
2. Call current clients to wish them a Happy New Year. Calls made with genuine goodwill builds a strong bond and greater loyalty.
3. Send a message of warm wishes for the new year …
Cultivating a More Successful Work Ethic
Miracles in business don’t just happen. Opportunity never seeks us. Rather, we must seek it.
Needless to say, the only way to make a goal become a reality is to stick to a proposition and see it through to the end. Seeing a task through to completion regardless of how difficult it is to achieve …
Improve Meeting and Party Results with Holiday Cheer
Do you sometimes have a bit of the“bah humbug” feeling when the need arises to attend company events? Most likely, you would prefer to spend your time with family and friends. Even worse, a “gift exchange” may be a requirement. The pressure of time and money spent may put unwelcomed pressure on you.
Should you …
Are You Connecting Personally?
One of the more important strategies in life is to match personally as well as professionally. This becomes the key differentiator for building business. For even better results, try putting yourself in the mindset of the other person.
Strive to understand all of the motivating factors for being granted the client meeting. Ask for the …
Supercharge Goals and Achievements
Business development is dependent upon sales and both require setting goals. But goal setting by itself isn’t enough. There needs to be:
A consistent plan of action to be followed day in and day out Do you awake each day with your plan of action on your mind? Flexibility to adjust for changing times or…The Importance of Happiness at Work
A sweeping misconception among many American workers regarding happiness and success is how the two coincide with one another. It is commonly thought that happiness is a result of success. For instance, once an individual gets the raise they want or the promotion they desire, then they will become happy.
The only problem is that …
Why We Hate Interns
With 16 years of teaching at the executive level of business at several major universities, I have had my fill of students asking me to arrange internships for them. It’s one of the oddest parts of teaching, in fact. The reason it’s so strange for students to ask me to place them in an internship? …