Seth Godin’s 7-Point Guide to Bootstrap Your Personal Brand
Seth Godin is perhaps one of the most widely read marketers in the world, and with good reason. His long string of best-sellers have been pushing the envelope in marketing for decades.
Today we’ll extract some key lessons from his hit “The Bootstrapper’s Bible,” and apply them to your personal branding efforts. In the simplest …
The Entrepreneur Cover Letter
For many job seekers, the cover letter is an opportunity to sell themselves and differentiate themselves from the rest of the competition. For entrepreneurs, the cover letter is a way to really sell their story and remove any doubt to the potential employer about an entrepreneur’s commitment to someone else’s business.
I will attempt to…Personal Brands: Play Hurt
On Saturday afternoon I visited a posh salon in Los Angeles. The place and the people were way cooler than I am but hey, a friend gave me a referral card worth $25 off a haircut there. It was a lot like I imagine heaven must be. There were endless cappuccinos, people speaking French and …
Social “Me”dia Syndrome: A Deadly Epidemic
That Will Cause Your Brand Building and Business Growth to Suffer
Could you be suffering from Social “Me”dia Syndrome and not even know it? Unfortunately, this common ailment is causing millions of businesses and individual’s serious pain when it comes to their online brand building and business growth efforts.
So what is Social “Me”dia Syndrome? …
Personal Brands: Have Unrealistic Expectations
I just plunked down a sizeable portion of my total net worth, investing it with someone I believe in. He’s a first time entrepreneur, except for being the helpful, handy neighbor boy while he was growing up.
Among his credentials is this: no one has ever handed him anything – he’s always earned his way. …
Personal Brands: How to Think Your Way to Fortune and Fame
Would you drop out (or drop in) to think for a living? How about for $90,000 over 6 months? That would cover your stint as an “entrepreneur in residence” aka EIR. This job does exist. In fact a legion of companies with EIR positions compete for people who think of great ideas. Silicon Valley’s most …
Personal Brands: Be CEO of Something, Anything
In Sunday’s New York Times, Zynga CEO Mark Pincus describes his method for swelling up his company with CEOs. Yes, he wants a company brimming with CEOs – people who are CEO of a plan, project, or program. On a wall, he tacks up a poster-sized white sheet for each employee – and puts the …
Talk About Who You Are Not What You Do
When you read the title of this post it seems fairly simple right? Talk about who you are not what you do. Unfortunately it is not that simple nor that easy. I would bet my company on the fact that many people reading this post combine what they do with who they are (identity = …
Personal Branding to Prevent Career Suicide
Two days ago I read an article on about how many people are afraid that taking a “survival job” to make ends meet now will destroy their career when the economy picks up again.
That’s very understandable. When you’re forced into a lower-level job than you were currently doing, or find yourself doing a …
7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 2: Discipline
Although not-yet-published authors (i.e., dreamers), often view writing a book in terms of creativity, inspiration, and talent, successfully published authors–and the book coaches they depend on–place the emphasis on discipline.
Discipline may not be as glamorous as creativity, but discipline is–ultimately–the foundation of writing and publishing a book that establishes your personal brand, drives new …