Facebook Comments: Protected Speech or Personal Branding Nightmare?
We all know that people overshare. It’s easy to write a quick status update when someone bothers you at work or you’re frustrated. And in today’s world of social media and instant communication, it’s not surprising that quite a few people are taking heat for posting inappropriate content—especially when it comes to their careers.
Oversharing…Not an Emoticon: Emotion
You may be thumbs up when it comes to flashing a smiley face or any of the canned emoticons that functionally do nothing for your personal brand image. Emoticons are the equivalent of wearing the same dress or jacket everyone wears. My mother who was a fashion designer had an expression for that: “You see …
Personal Brands: Here’s Why You Exist
What does it take for a personal brand – or any brand – to exist in the hearts and minds of your audience or target market?
That’s it. That’s the big secret. That’s personal branding in three words.
Let’s tackle the first part of the personal brand equation: attention. You can’t be …
What’s Your Personal Brand’s Irresistibility Factor?
Let’s face it, all irresistible brands are hugely attractive and always get top marks across the board, right? More than ever, it makes sense – particularly for students right now – to get to work on enhancing their irresistibility factor in order to show up and stand out in this over-crowded and over-saturated environment. Of …
Social Media Engagement from Honesty to Trust
In his book, Emotional Branding, Marc Gobe talks about taking a brand from honesty to trust. Even though a bit dated, his book is a must read for anyone in the marketing and branding sectors. This is especially true for the individual trying to enhance their personal brands. In the book he has a section …
Personal Brands: You Texted Who?
My very good friend and client, who is a major lawyer in a mega law firm, celebrated her birthday last weekend – really celebrated it. With a dozen equally hot, smart and funny women in a limo, cruising from club to club, she rang in her personal new year getting smashed. She was ripe for …
A Cup of Coffee to a Tombstone Piledriver
Do you know what that is – a Tombstone Piledriver?
So, what is it?It’s the “finishing” move of superstar wrestler, The Undertaker, whereby he flips his opponent upside down and slams the poor guy’s head into the ground.
You might cringe at the thought of sitting through one of these shows, or maybe you …
Is Your Personal Brand Affecting the Organization’s Brand?
Before, when only organizations had ‘brands,’ the organization didn’t need to worry about an employee’s ‘brand’ overshadowing theirs. But now that personal branding is so prevalent, the question has been asked: Is a personal brand helpful or detrimental to an organization?
Let’s take a look at both sides of the argument:
Personal branding can help…Personal Brands: Time to LICK Q
Tonight, I’m delivering my personal branding keynote to 300+ people. My signature topic is: The Ugly Truth About Your Reputation. Because this audience is so diverse in terms of careers and use of social media, I developed a simple four attribute model we all can use to measure, create and manage our personal brands.
Four…Are You Minding Your Brand’s Behavior?
Recent breakthroughs in brain science are giving us unprecedented information about how our brains are wired, and how they long to connect. We’re not the rational human beings we thought we were. What’s more, we’re discovering that emotions make the brain pay attention. Emotions affect people’s motivation.
The good news? Getting our heads around brain …