Tag: business

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

It Ranks Right Up There With Oxygen

John attained all his computer certifications and decided to open his own business and to establish his brand.  Mary, out of work for almost a year, began her own entrepreneurial enterprise; a small florist shop.  She also plans to create her unique brand.  Maria is a nutritionist who launched her own online coaching firm specializing …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Delivery Beyond Expectations Brings Exponential Results

When you stop to consider being graded in school where an A+ super-ceded all expectations, or a corporate review indicated the same, you smile remembering how it felt. You reflect back as to the difficult road you took to get into that top spot. It was of importance that you get there proving to yourself …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

3 Keys to Create Increased Success in the New Year!

The transition to entrepreneurship is not an easy one. Personally, I was accustomed to having a team around me with whom I could confide challenges, ask for advice and discuss new ideas to improve my selling effort. I found being a solo-preneur lonely and filled with much uncertainty.

Through the years I endured many trial …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Scheduling and Rescheduling: Pointers to Build Relationships

Hectic is the only way to describe everyone’s schedule today. Those still working are doing the job of at least 3-4 people, which affects interview and sales appointments. Entrepreneurs are trying to stay above water. So many have over-extended themselves. Consequently, rescheduling has become a necessity more than ever.

However, some people choose to ignore …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Build Relationships With Thank You

As an entrepreneur your goal should always be to further develop repeat business, referrals and testimonials. Job seekers and those who wish to further their careers need to foster past connections. Sometimes though we fall down on building relationships or even remaining in touch.

Regroup and reconnect

The holidays are a perfect time to regroup …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Are You Shifting and Growing With The Times?

Recently, I met a highly successful 37-year-old who was one the youngest ever CFOs in Silicon Valley. “Jason” had an impeccable resume and his higher education was obtained from the most prestigious universities in the country. He was a gentleman who moved out of an impoverished neighborhood into one of high regard. Jason felt as …

Career & WealthMarketingPRRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Social “Me”dia Syndrome: A Deadly Epidemic

That Will Cause Your Brand Building and Business Growth to Suffer

Could you be suffering from Social “Me”dia Syndrome and not even know it? Unfortunately, this common ailment is causing millions of businesses and individual’s serious pain when it comes to their online brand building and business growth efforts.

So what is Social “Me”dia Syndrome? …