Tag: Brand Attributes

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Stimulate your Brain. Challenge your Brand.

We’re living in a staggeringly fast-moving world, and it’s only getting faster. There’s one thing that’s certain. In the world of personal brand building, the most significant piece is that irresistible spark of yours that stops people in their tracks. Without it, you’re invisible – a Dead Brand Walking.

It’s a tough trap. It’s never …

PositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

A Cup of Coffee to 2010’s Biggest Branding Takeaways

Lest history repeat itself throughout 2011, there are many significant branding takeaways from 2010 that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Here are my Top Three 2010 Branding Takeaways. Please leave a comment below and add to the list of the Biggest 2010 Branding Takeaways!

1) Your Brand Must Be Backed By a Quality Product.

People will follow …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Be A Good Sport

Sportsmanship is not limited to games played on fields, courts, and courses. After all, what is sport? It is simply athletic competition. Absent the athletics, it is merely competition.

As a human being, you compete every day, do you not? In your career. In business. At home, subtly, with neighbors. The entire human existence – …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingFuturesguest postRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Evaluating Your Personal Brand-Building Success During 2010

As a prelude to the fast-approaching New Year, here are some questions to ask yourself as you evaluate your progress building your personal brand-building efforts during 2010:

Writing & publishing a brand-building book

Did you publish a book during 2011, or make significant progress towards publishing a brand-building book? Or, do you still feel writing …

Brand Yourself AseBrandLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

3 More Personal Branding Predictions for 2011

Recently, Dan Schawbel released his seven personal branding predictions for 2011. Among them:

Your online personal brand will be consolidated Soft skills become more important than hard skills As the economy gets better, the war for talent ignites Social networks will become completely ineffective for one-to-many marketing efforts Personal brands have more responsibilities Social media…
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