Google Yourself to Manage Your Brand
Have you ever Googled yourself? According to a new study from the Pew Research Center, 56 percent of Internet users have searched for their own name online. This is up from 22 percent when they first asked Internet users in 2001, but today’s percentage has remained relatively the same in the last few years.
It …
How to Place a Value on Your Brand
Many professionals and business owners find it extremely difficult to assign value to themselves and their brands. For some reason, in many peoples’ minds, discussing money “cheapens” relationships.
I recently observed a conversation between several Facebook friends who are business owners. The conversation started when a friend with a growing business, already boasting celebrity clientele, …
You Manage Your Online Reputation
With current technology, information can be accessed by a majority of online world in split seconds. The internet spreads information faster than word of mouth. You never know who gets to read about you. For entrepreneurs, how you are perceived by your connections can have tremendous effect on your business. As one who posts (sometimes …
How Five Types of Personal Brands Attract Perfect Clients
You cannot be all things to all people. As we say in marketing, find a target rich market. Lucrative markets are filled with people or companies that are suffering and have a budget to pay YOU for the remedy you’ve decided you want to offer. You simply need to show up online and on-ground where …
Personal Branding Weekly – Do You Know Who to Connect With?
As long as people do business with people and business is built on relationships, networking will be important. Online and offline networks are both important, but it’s online networking that’s powerfully driven the need to know who to connect with. After all, with the world at your virtual fingertips – who do you spend time …
Your Brand Is Being Built For You
I think it’s time for a reality check: If you’re on the internet today, you are building your brand. Whether you like it or not, you are building your brand. It is time to think about and take control of your most valuable asset, you.
Do you use Facebook? You are building your brand. What …
Develop a Personal Brand Mindset in the Workplace
In a struggling economy, there are no guarantees when it comes to keeping a job. Employers can and do let workers go for a variety of reasons, not all of which are fair. In this atmosphere, many employees want to play it safe by towing the line to protect their job. However, the safe route …
The Story Behind the Personal Brand
This is the era of social networking: It doesn’t only facilitate communication amongst people but also has become one of the primary windows through which businesses can connect with their customers. Whether it’s a large business or a smaller one, it can prosper greatly by harnessing the power of social media appropriately.
Therein lies the …
Parents Beware: Branding Beyond Home Life
As a writer, I’ve built some of my own brand reputation on the fact that I am a “mommy blogger.” I love being part of this community – most of the time. When I’m bidding on a new writing project, however, I often don’t list the link to my parenting blog. Since I do not …
What Your Look Says About Your Brand
[Sponsored Post: We use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker because it gives your personal brand more integrity.]
Throughout our professional lives, we’re constantly reminded about the importance of nonverbal communication. It makes up around 90 percent of all communication, meaning it’s essential to pay attention to it. The way you look and act, even before words come …