Tag: Brand Attributes

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – 6 May 2013

Quality beats out quantity every time and the quality of this week’s posts were rich with valuable insights and included posts from the Young Entrepreneur Council and Chamber of Commerce.

Here’s what we covered:

5 Intangibles Brand You as a Premium by Deborah Shane 5 Tips for Selfless Self-Promotion by Chamber of Commerce The New…
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Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Graduates: Stand Out Using Your Personal Brand

You’re about to graduate college and join millions of other graduates in the competitive world of the job search. Of course, you won’t all be competing for the same jobs, but many of you will.

Now, more than ever, it’s essential to tailor your personal brand to your advantage. Here are a few ways you …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Stand Out by Staying Ahead

The ideal way to gain insight to your connections or target market is to simply follow your clients. Not literally or in person, I’m referring to social networks. Such networks will give you an in-depth look into what your clients like, share, and appreciate. While some social networks aren’t as open, paying attention to comments …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

You Gotta Believe! (Louisville and UConn)

“You gotta believe” is an expression we have all heard – frequently in reference to athletics. When the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team recently won another NCAA national championship 93-60, I’m sure they believed in themselves and their teammates.

Similarly, you gotta believe in yourself to excel in your career or job search. Your …