The Holy Grail of Workplace Motivation
Human motivation is complex.
Motivating humans in the workplace seems be a question business owners continue to struggle with.
I’ve also have found two key factors that motivate consistently across all generations in the workplace: autonomy and transparency.
AutonomyHuman beings are autonomous creatures. We all want to have autonomy over how we live, work …
Personal Branding Weekly – You are the Product
I understand the importance of visibility. As a small business owner, being “known” can be the difference between a steady flow of revenue or closing your doors. Yet, being visible is not enough. Being remembered is most important and means you occupy some prime real estate in the mind of someone. Garnering “share of mind” …
15 Qualities for Becoming the Ideal Job Seeker
Are you the perfect job applicant? When recruiting, there are certain traits employers look for in the ideal job seeker. While we are not born with every desired trait, it is imperative we gain these attributes as we continue in our career and subsequently during our next job search.
You should remember that no job …
How Much Growth is Healthy? When is Maintenance Better?
We’re a society that’s obsessed with change and growth, and in many ways that’s a great thing. When a person challenges himself to learn new skills, acquire new positive behaviors, adjust to transitions, assume new responsibilities, he typically becomes broader, more productive and emotionally mature. While this is true for most people, it’s also true …
Three Words for 2014
Standing out in your career begins with standing out in life which begins with standing for something. What do you stand for?
I’m sure you stand for a whole lot more than Three Words. However, I have found that using three words serves as a litmus test for what I post, what I commit to, …
Increase Brand Loyalty Through Giving
What makes a company or brand great? It’s not just the products or services or social media influence that counts. The most important element in brand marketing is people – and, what better way to connect with your audience than with giving? Not only does this build loyalty, but also shows them how much you …
New Year’s Resolution: Quit My Job
Should you quit your job? Probably. The majority of people are unsatisfied in their jobs and the odds are you should have a new year’s resolution like “Get a new job.” Proactive job hoppers tend to make more money and gain career satisfaction. See my previous post for more thoughts on this topic.
The best …
Why I Fired One Of My Business Coaches
It’s a new year… what a great season for personal trainers to engage in relationships with clients that want to get into physical shape in 2014. What a great time for business owners and professionals to find a business coach or consultant to help them be more productive or profitable in 2014.
I have had …
6 Ways to Work Smarter in 2014
Finding an excuse to procrastinate at work is definitely an easy thing to do. Especially when we have numerous projects hanging over our heads and we’re pressed for time, it can be difficult to focus on our most important tasks at work.
In the new year, we need to make a promise to ourselves to …
Why Cheating is the Secret to Success
A whole lot of people are making resolutions right now, and not one of those goals is: I will master the art of cheating. Yet the truth is, all high achievers are expert at cheating, because cheating is the secret to success.
When you shadow leading entrepreneurs, CEOs of Global 2000 companies, world class athletes, …