Personal Branding Weekly – Mobilizing Your Personal Brand
Much of what’s written is about how to express your personal brand. In fact, when I’m contacted there’s usually a disappointing pause when I say that there’s ‘no magic bullet’ to personal branding. The only thing magical is discovering what makes you unique and expressing, exuding and engaging with your unique style. The key is …
Inspire, Inform and Instigate – Three I’s of Vibrancy
Every day that you are granted the privilege of waking up, you are presented with a myriad of choices. Yet, there is one constant. From the richest person to the poorest. From every corner of the planet and right down to your desk, or hammock or wherever you decide to conduct business. Everyone starts out …
How Personal Social Media Brands Can Help Job Searches
The days of building a reputation offline have become a thing of the past. Today many employers are looking for candidates who are active online and in social media. As a job seeker you will want to effectively utilize these tools to build your personal brand and project an image that demonstrates your skills, knowledge, …
Stand Out With Authentic Appreciation
Are you genuinely appreciating and encouraging the people around you?
It’s a simple question, and one that is quite important in the world we live in today. Organizational researchers have found that appreciation plays a major role in the morale and mood of an organization, and any negative perceptions about appreciation can be harmful to …
Want to Work from Home?
Are you tired of waking up and driving to the office every day? Do you want to have a better work-life balance? Do you want to spend more time with your family? Then, working from home might be a good career choice for you. Holding a job where you can work from home is still …
Bullying in the Workplace: Fear, Loathing and Lawsuits
In sociology, you learn that all small groups function similarly and that includes the opportunistic behavior of bullying. This learning is one of many reasons I encourage students to get something more than a vocational education, since simply studying finance, engineering or another skill-based major leaves you without the requisite knowledge for understanding behavior at …
New Book for Your Personal Branding Enhancement
To write The CEO Difference: How to Climb, Crawl, and Leap Your Way to the Next Level of Your Career (McGraw-Hill, Feb. 2014) I asked over one-hundred CEOs and C-suite executives these three questions:
What causes someone to positively stand out in your eyes? What do you look for in people you promote? And, what…The Right Questions to Ensure “Training” Gets An ROI
Last summer I received this email inquiry:
Hi Skip –
My boss would like to train our entire IT department (36 people) on Communication.
We are trying to improve the way we manage projects and we are finding that communication is our biggest weakness.
We would like to have training that would focus on the …
Personal Branding Weekly – Stop Ranting, Mobile Phones and Meetings
I know. I know. It’s rude to talk on your phone in a meeting or a workshop. That’s just common sense and we all know how uncommon that is. But how much must the ranting go on?
Ever thought that there’s a different way to look at it?
This week a well-known networking guru who’s …
Getting Perks At Work
In a world in which job security is scarce, you may not want to approach your employer asking for perks such as a flexible schedule, telecommuting, extra days of leave or educational opportunities. Nevertheless, many employers are opting to give perks over raises to attract and retain valuable employees. Obtaining these perks requires more than …