Category: Skill Development

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

20 Inspirational Career Quotes to Help You Keep Going

Everyone can have downtimes especially at work. If you feel like you have been staring at the excel spreadsheet in your computer screen for the past hour and don’t want to do anything, you may need some inspiration to be able to refunction. Look at the below motivational quotes and write the ones you like …

Communication & NetworkingReputation ManagementSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

5 Ways to Control Bad Habits

Habits run our lives. Our behavior has a direct and profound effect on our attitude.

Anyone can manage the good times and can cultivate the habits that promote well-being and success. However, every now and again, we gain bad habits that cause fatigue, self-depression and create a significant barrier to success.

When we act like …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

What Does Your Cubicle Decor Say About You

Maybe you don’t realize but just as your clothes and body language, your office cubicle decor says a lot about your personality. Since you spend around 40 hours a week in your cubicle, it is like your second home and therefore, it reflects your lifestyle and character. Believe it or not, your coworkers and bosses …

guest postNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Feeling Nostalgic? How to Become a Boomerang Employee

Not burning a bridge is taking on new meaning in the current job market as many companies are welcoming back former employees with open arms.

With skill shortages and talent wars breaking out in many industries, companies are forced to overhaul their thinking.

Consider this: a new survey of 1,800 human resources professionals by …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Motivational Songs for Your Career

Everybody can have tough days because building a career is a long journey which is full of challenges and problems. Therefore, sometimes we need some motivation and listening to inspirational songs is a great way to motivate and energize ourselves.  Below you can find some of them with their motivational lyrics.

Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield:…
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Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Phrases You Should Avoid Using at Work

Many employees use buzzwords at work. While they may think using these phrases will make them seem smarter, it is actually the opposite. These phrases are often annoying and meaningless. Also, they may hurt your credibility at work. If you want to move up the career ladder, you should be careful about how you speak …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

How Exercising Increases Your Performance

Exercising has many benefits other than losing weight. If you exercise regularly, it will help you with many aspects of your life including your work performance. Below you can find how exercising increases your performance at work.

Reduces Stress: Regular exercising reduces stress and decreases tension. If you feel that you don’t have the time…
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