Roadblocks are Gifts Getting You on the Right Road
Have you ever felt almost in despair when a major project did not turn out as expected or the required learning curve was far greater than originally anticipated? We have all been there and dealt with these unwelcomed events in our own way. Admittedly, in the beginning of entrepreneurship I almost gave up, but luckily, …
Why Looks Matter
Looks matter. If someone tells you that looks don’t matter, he’s wrong.
You don’t need to look like Brad Pitt or Beyonce to be successful, but you do have to put your best foot forward at all times. You tell the world what to think of you based on how you present yourself.
Your family …
4 Ways Using Your Review Improves Your Brand
At this time of year, many companies are undergoing their annual performance review processes. While the value of performance reviews, as we’ve come to know them, can be debated, a review presents the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your brand with your boss, and with the company.
Dress Up – I used to manage …
The International Crisis of Lance Armstrong’s Brand
In my post last week I shared 4 personal brand attributes that transcend cultures with examples of globally famous people who in my opinion epitomize these attributes. This week I want to focus on one personal brand in particular, Lance Armstrong, and why I feel his recent confession to years of lying actually did far …
Your Branding – Super Bowl or Super Bust?
This year’s Super Bowl was quite the event from the heart-racing game play to the 34-minute power outage. One thing that also stood out were the ads–or lake thereof.
Don’t get me wrong…I definitely think there were some winners. Anheuser-Busch’s Clydessdale ad was a sweet addition and Jeep hit it out of the park with …
3 Pitfalls to Avoid to Increase Sales
Have you ever been frustrated by trying to give business to someone who is too distracted to take your money?
These types of occurrences are great reminders of what NOT to do when an interested prospect is in our presence. The whole idea of getting a sale is to make it EASY for the other …
Building Your Brand While Working Remotely
As the footprint of companies spreads geographically, today, more and more workers are working remotely, rather than in a corporate office. While telecommuting can bring benefits, like flexible work hours, it can also prove challenging when it comes to building your personal brand internally at your company.
So how can remote workers enhance their brand?…4 Personal Brand Attributes that Transcend Cultures
Why is it that some personal brands are universally admired while others are despised? What can we learn from high-profile figures who are able to transcend cultures and garner brand loyalty from New York to Timbuktu?
So I took a moment to think about the traits of a personal brand that in my mind are …
Why Setting Expectations is Critical at Work
It’s often said that your employees don’t have to like you as long as they respect you. This is true, however, there are many pitfalls that will not only make your employees not like you, but lose respect for you as well. No one wants to be a bad boss, even if we don’t expect …
Why NOT To Introduce Yourself With A Title
Would you like to be memorable in a good way? Then, don’t describe yourself by your job title ever again!
Regardless of how exciting or interesting your work may be to you, you probably won’t get other people engaged by starting a conversation with what it says on your business card.
If your job title …