Category: Reputation Management

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Profile of a Successful Salesperson

Are you driven?

Successful salespeople are very goal driven determined to achieve their distant star and beyond. Further defining the personality and deep within, the successful salesperson does soul searching to understand their motivating forces and then prioritizes which to accomplish first. This becomes a forever commitment to education to do one’s best. And the …

A career portfolio serves as a great way for job seekers to tell a story about their work experience and illustrate their personal brand.
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

6 Elements to Make Your Career Portfolio Stand Out

A career portfolio serves as a great way for job seekers to tell a story about their work experience and illustrate their personal brand. From your internships in college to your most recent job, a career portfolio displays your accomplishments and what makes you a sought-after candidate.

When you create your portfolio, it’s important to …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

5 Standout Things to Bring to Your Next Interview

It may seem obvious. You were invited to an interview with the hiring manager or recruiter. They beckoned you because they like your resume and believe you are qualified for the job. At this point, it’s all about the dialogue, and you are a fantastic interviewer, so what else do you need but yourself and …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Response to People Who Hate the Term “Personal Branding”

I’m always surprised at the vehemence with which people say they hate the term “personal branding.”

“I’m not a brand, I’m a person!” they demand.

Except you are. As Kyle Lacy and I said in Branding Yourself, “A brand is an emotional response to the image or name of a particular company, product, or person.”…

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Graduates: Stand Out Using Your Personal Brand

You’re about to graduate college and join millions of other graduates in the competitive world of the job search. Of course, you won’t all be competing for the same jobs, but many of you will.

Now, more than ever, it’s essential to tailor your personal brand to your advantage. Here are a few ways you …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The New Recruitment Strategy: Jobs that Hunt You

Your LinkedIn profile and resume may soon disappear or diminish in importance when it comes to recruiters finding you and approaching you with a great job offer. There’s something called Big Data that may supplant any other approach to matching the perfect job with you.

Gild is among several new companies that scour the web …

Job SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Have You Checked Your References?

Your resume is perfect. You nailed the job interviews. And now your future employer wants to check your references.  No problem …right?  Well, hopefully…but who really knows what your references say about you?  How do they handle the tough questions like” why are you leaving your current job” or “what could you improve on”?  When …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Stand Out by Staying Ahead

The ideal way to gain insight to your connections or target market is to simply follow your clients. Not literally or in person, I’m referring to social networks. Such networks will give you an in-depth look into what your clients like, share, and appreciate. While some social networks aren’t as open, paying attention to comments …