Category: Recruitment

Communication & NetworkingRecruitmentSkill Development

Is Recruiting Sales Employees From Your Competitors Sound HR?

With relative frequency, our recruiters come across organizations that believe it to be an advantageous strategy to recruit from their competition. This is understandable. On the surface, the strategy appears to carry merit. Employers assume that those who have experience in a field will need less ramp-up time, less handholding from management and will have …

Communication & NetworkingEmployer BrandingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitment

The Optimistic vs Pessimistic Job Applicant

There are two ways to look at life, one’s job search and the inevitable interviewing rejection each job seeker incurs. The first is to imagine the worst and be prone to depression when we encounter each roadblock. The second is to look at interviewing rejection as a temporary setback and to leverage that disappointment into …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

50 Great Questions to Ask on a Sales Interview

Without exception, when recruiting sales job seekers, companies want the interviewee to ask intelligent, thoughtful questions. Though, all too often, the applicant does not come prepared with inquiries.

Regardless of how well the answers the individual gave were, if they don’t have pertinent questions, the meeting is left in an “up in the air” state.…

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

Recruiting the Effective Job Applicant

While there is no perfect employee, some job seekers are much more effective than others.  These are the individuals who are indispensable to their companies.

By effective, I am referring to someone who delivers results.  They don’t need to be micromanaged.  Recruiting the effective job applicant means staffing someone who is going to deliver earnings.…