How To Create Your Personal Brand — Part 2
My post last Saturday explored how you can begin creating your personal brand through having a few great brainstorm sessions and then organizing your thoughts by creating a web. This week’s post will show you how to take the first steps into spreading your personal brand online through creating your own blog.
Get out of…Personal Branding Tip: Get Your Bio Ready
Over the past week, I’ve been helping put together a teleseminar series with a bunch of experts. One of the things I’ve needed from them is a 70 word bio – and let’s just say that getting it has been a lot like herding cats.
The problem isn’t with them though. I’m just as guilty. …
Should Personal Branding Take a Page from Celebrity Branding?
I live and work in Los Angeles, the capital of “The Star System”. Yes, it’s true – the method of creating and promoting stars in Hollywood used to be known “The Star System”. It started with the movie studios in the 1920s and 30s. Studios would select talented actors and create roles for them, complete …
The Blending of Corporate and Personal Branding on Twitter
There has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about how personal and corporate branding are starting to collide. I’m
not very surprised that people are questioning personal branding as it relates to overshadowing their corporate brand. This was all bound to happen as some point because corporate and personal brands have the same …
How Not to be a Walking Billboard
If you’ve been to a big city lately, there’s a good chance you’ve seen someone standing on a street corner wearing a sandwich board. Usually, they’re advertising a restaurant that is a little off the beaten path, or a sale, or even a place that sells gold… cheap!
And, if you’ve been to a networking …
Road to Me 2.0: The Benefits and Obstacles of Publishing a Book
As I near my book launch, which is set for April 7th, I want to reflect back on the process and the perceived benefits and obstacles for publishing a book. Looking back, I laugh because I never used to like reading, writing or presenting, yet that is much of what I do these days. The …
How to Evolve Your Personal Brand When You’re Changing Careers
On the Smart Networking Teleseminar series this week, I interviewed career coach Annemarie Segaric on how to launch a new career in this economy. We discussed a number of changes that listeners were going through, among them: moving from the for-profit world to a non-profit, diving into a completely new
industry, relaunching a career at …
The Best Source of Personal Brand Success is Already With You
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” Napoleon Hill
It’s been said that the most lucrative source of profit for most companies is in their existing customer relationships. And, that it takes more effort to get new customers than to keep your current customers happy and …
Unconscious Personal Branding
We talk a lot here on the Personal Branding Blog about how to project a personal brand effectively. But, what about the messages we unconsciously project? In the last couple years, I’ve lived in some very different environments – and it’s incredibly interesting to see how I needed to change simple automatic behaviors just to …
7 Ways to Land Great Consulting Work While In Between Jobs
It is no secret that I am currently funding my job search through consulting work. This has many career-management benefits, but today I’m going to write about the only one you probably care about – green stuff to make your rent and buy groceries. Here are 7 ways to get yourself started and turn your …