Use Your Blogger Status to Promote Your Brand at Conferences
This week, I’m an official blogger at the World Innovation Forum in New York City. To tell you the truth, I’m really excited–not only because the conference has some pretty awesome speakers and because I’ll get to meet people from a top innovation consultancy–but also because this is a great, great opportunity to promote my …
Success Story: How Bernard Lachance’s Creative Personal Branding Got Him on Oprah
Bernard Lachance is a French-Canadian singer who had a dream and achieved it with a creative personal branding strategy.
He tells it best:
10 lessons we can learn from Bernard Lachance’s inspirational success<
Believe in yourself<
Bernard had no agent, manager or promoter when he decided to rent the Chicago Theatre for his show. …
How to Translate What You Do Into What’s In It For Others
Ever feel like you’re speaking a completely different language when you’re relaying your branding message or elevator pitch to others? Even when you deliver it coherently without stumbling over your words, something seems to be lost in the translation because people just aren’t “getting it?”
What’s often lost in the translation, what others aren’t understanding …
How NOT Getting the Job was the Best Thing that Could have Happened
Last week I received that dreaded phone call that comes from the same family line as the tiny envelope university rejection letter:
Ring…. Ring…. Ring….
Me: Stephen! How you doing?
Stephen: Doing great Jun…
Me: Did you get my email? I had an amazing time interviewing with Damon and Jim yesterday. Feeling real …
How To Transition or Expand Your Brand to Two Topics
I have a dilemma. I have a blog about Gen Y topics with nearly 1000 subscribers. I started a new blog about marketing and consumer insights this week, and I am worried about transitioning my personal brand. My second blog is far more important than my first one because it’s the platform for my company, …
When Passion Meets Expertise Your Brand Succeeds
The more and more I reflect upon how I’ve used social media to grow my own personal brand (as well as observe others), the more I’ve come to realize that there are two things that are required for success: passion and expertise. Passion is your excitement and enjoyment around a certain activity that interests you …
Personal Branding Interview: Richard Laermer
Today, I spoke with Richard Laermer, who is the author of five bestselling books including his latest one called 2011: Trendspotting. In this interview, Richard spends a lot of time explaining how public relations has changed, from the early days till now and helps us prepare for the future. He also touches on the different …
Not Getting Traction with Your Personal Brand?
During one of the funniest episodes of Seinfeld’s final season, George tells Jerry he’s tired of his name and wants to find a nickname that makes people light up.
“I’m thinking T-Bone,” says George.
“But there’s no T in your name!” exclaims Jerry.
Not surprisingly, when George …
Up Your Personal Brand Game
I was reading an article today about the two tech giants Google and Microsoft. The article focused on how Microsoft may be positioning itself to make a play in the highly competitive search marketplace.
Dominance and perseveranceGoogle was referred to as having market dominance. Microsoft was referred to as having perseverance. Clearly, the article …
Personal Branding Adds New Angst to Getting Married
It’s that time of year again. Spring is in the air and the wedding invites are in the mailbox. And, I don’t know about you, but my friends are dropping like flies.
All this wedding mania has made me think though: how does getting married affect your personal brand.
Right now, there are a lot …