Category: Networking

guest postNetworkingPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Guest Post: 13 Important Drivers to Developing Your Personal Brand

I would like to thank Jason Jacobsohn for contributing this guest post, as I’m away on vacation. His work also appears in Personal Branding Magazine and has great networking advice to share on his blog. Jason is a seasoned networker who believes in relationship building as a key component to business success. He enjoys helping …

guest postNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Guest Post: The Branding of Business Cards

This guest post is from my fellow personal branding colleague and friend, Hajj E. Flemings.  Hajj is a brand strategist, blogger and author of “A Brand YU Life,” which you can go pick up at


Personal branding is a lifestyle, a 24 hour-a-day/7-day a week activity with many touch points, one of which …

Career DevelopmentNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Why Social Media Makes it Possible for Gen-y to Succeed

It’s challenging for members of the Gen-Y grouping to succeed without some pathway to Gen-X. Social media has emerged as a channel, by which Gen-Y can communicate with Gen-X, freely, readily and with scale.

Starting a blog is really a simple process, which doesn’t require much learning by members of Gen-Y because they are already …

Career DevelopmentNetworkingPersonal BrandingPRReputation ManagementSEOSocial Media

Personal Branding Octopus Model of Relevancy

An octopus has eight tentacles, as does the subject of personal branding. Each tentacle has suction cups for sensing and tasting other sea creatures and objects such as coral. Personal branding touches each related topic in a dissimilar way. The personal brand or head of the octopus is the centerpiece for the model, which is …

NetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingPodcastsSuccess Strategiestv

Personal Branding TV: Episode 9 – On-Blog / Off-Blog Networking


Personal Branding TV is back, with another episode. This episode positions me with Boston College student Scott Bradley, who has a keen interest in networking and bridging strong business and social relationships. As you build your blog, extend your reach through social networks and connect to individuals that share similar interests, you can take …

Career DevelopmentNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategiesworkshop

Personal Branding Workshop – Bentley College

Last night, I held a personal branding workshop at Bentley College. There were about 25 students, sitting at 5 tables. I gave a 35 minutes keynote presentation about how competitive the job market currently is, how personal branding is the future of recruitment, my success story, as well as how crucial social media and networking …

Career DevelopmentNetworkingPersonal BrandingSocial Media

LinkedIn might have eliminated the need for traditional resumes

Most recruiting takes place online and because of this, our personal brands must be created and communicated using this popular medium. Traditional resumes are used during the screening and interview portions of the recruitment process. Recruiters have transitioned their candidate search from online and business fairs to social media marketing. Instead of accepting and reviewing …