How to Develop the Personal Branding Dream Team
On a previous post, I showed you how to develop your own brand by helping your closest friends develop their own personal brands. Now that you have a close group of friends with a strong understanding of how a personal brand can develop your personal and professional lives, it’s time to solidify the personal branding …
50+ Tips to Brand Yourself Offline
Now that you know how to brand yourself online, complete your personal branding strategy with another handy list, this time of suggestions for branding yourself offline in the real world.
It’s all about leaving the best impression.
Reminder: General Guidelines to Brand Yourself Offline Show your expertise as much as possible. Give people every way…How to Evolve Your Personal Brand When You’re Changing Careers
On the Smart Networking Teleseminar series this week, I interviewed career coach Annemarie Segaric on how to launch a new career in this economy. We discussed a number of changes that listeners were going through, among them: moving from the for-profit world to a non-profit, diving into a completely new
industry, relaunching a career at …
Five Tips for Creating Video Posts
Now that my blog has gained some traction, I’ve been thinking about how to introduce video blogging to my audience to stretch myself and my blog. After getting advice from many people on how to get started, here are five tips I’ve heard:
Tune in to what others are doingGood bloggers read a lot …
Personal Branding Interview: Steve Farber
Today, I spoke with Steve Farber, who is the president of Extreme Leadership and author of the new book Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership. In this interview, Steve talks about helping other people instead of self-promotion, why personal brands don’t scale, his leadership cycle theory, and networking.
A lot of people…Personal Branding Interview: Nick Corcodilos
Today, I spoke with Nick Corcodilos, who is the host of Ask The Headhunter and author of Ask The Headhunter: Reinventing The Interview to Win The Job. As a headhunter with years of experience, Nick reveals a lot of very interesting information to us in this interview. He talks about what he uses to source …
Right Message, No Results? Why Audience Matters and How to Find The Right One
Do you ever feel like you’re doing all the right things with networking, but you’re not getting results? I got an email recently from one entrepreneur who networks diligently, participating in a business leads group, local Chamber of Commerce meetings, and other events.
He writes: “I feel my presentation is adequately polished, I follow up …
Unconscious Personal Branding
We talk a lot here on the Personal Branding Blog about how to project a personal brand effectively. But, what about the messages we unconsciously project? In the last couple years, I’ve lived in some very different environments – and it’s incredibly interesting to see how I needed to change simple automatic behaviors just to …
A Secret Personal Branding Tip For MyBlogLog
One of the social networks that I feel is very underutilized and spoken for is MyBlogLog. I’ve been a fan of this network since I started out in the blogosphere back in 2006. MyBlogLog was acquired by Yahoo! Inc. and it allows you to create a profile, join communities (blogs), share your social feed (much …
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee Grinds; It’s Time to Network
I spent twelve years employed by corporate America and the past eight years consulting to them on strategy and business development issues. Since the Dow took a nose dive last fall, many friends and some clients have lost their jobs, and those who haven’t are the working wounded, taking up the slack for their fallen …