Category: Networking

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSEOSocial Media

6 Places to Keyword Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Whether you’re looking for a job, searching for freelance clients or promoting a business, LinkedIn is an ideal place to start. Some people, myself included, have neglected LinkedIn for the more popular social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. But recently, I’ve started spending more time at LinkedIn and have been kicking myself for not …

Career & WealthMarketingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

3 Ways Pinterest Can Build Your Brand – Really!

There seems to be a hierarchy of social media when it comes to “serious” brand building. At the top of the pyramid for business credibility is LinkedIn, with its sleek, uncluttered, resume-style look. Twitter comes in next, by most accounts, for its ease of use when it comes to connecting to strangers that can help …