Keeping Your Job Search Confidential
Staying in a job too long can retard your career, depress your income, and diminish your brand. Surveys conducted over the past five years have indicated that over half of all employed workers are not satisfied with their current jobs. Why don’t such people just go out and look for a better job? One major …
6 Places to Keyword Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
Whether you’re looking for a job, searching for freelance clients or promoting a business, LinkedIn is an ideal place to start. Some people, myself included, have neglected LinkedIn for the more popular social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. But recently, I’ve started spending more time at LinkedIn and have been kicking myself for not …
Nervous about Networking? Find Your Own Sweet Spot
During my corporate career I attended a class on “how to show up confident”. It had quite a few tips I don’t remember exactly. But today I remembered it when I noticed that I was feeling very confident and at ease during a networking event. In particular I was standing exactly the way it was …
Conversation Starters
Do you find it difficult to start a conversation at networking events? Never been one good at small talk? No matter how difficult you find networking, it is a crucial strategy for your career prospects as networking helps you communicate your brand to contacts within your company and industry.
So what are you to do …
Don’t Give Me Your Resume
Are you one of those people who feels, similar to applying for jobs online, that giving people your resume is a productive job search activity?
Let me save you the effort. Don’t give me your resume. In most situations, I don’t need it. Giving it to me will require me to find a convenient trash …
How to Get Employers to Love Your Brand
We all know personal branding can help you market your expertise and land a job. However, do we really know how to get our personal brands noticed by employers?
One of the key factors of building your personal brand is creating one employers and recruiters will love, which will give you an edge on your …
Networking Buddies (When BNI Failed, I Won)
There are many folks who are strong believers in BNI and how it has helped them grow their businesses. For me, BNI never helped. I attended and even joined a BNI group, went for a year and saw no value. I know that this is not the common experience, but if it is your experience, …
Quarterly Reports
Four times a year, publicly traded companies are required to submit quarterly earning reports to the Security Exchange Commission. The information disclosed in these reports provide a snapshot of the financial health of the company. Earning reports are part of a stewardship process – investors have entrusted firms with money to run the company and …
3 Ways Pinterest Can Build Your Brand – Really!
There seems to be a hierarchy of social media when it comes to “serious” brand building. At the top of the pyramid for business credibility is LinkedIn, with its sleek, uncluttered, resume-style look. Twitter comes in next, by most accounts, for its ease of use when it comes to connecting to strangers that can help …
Connecting on LinkedIn is Like Asking for a Date
Have you considered that when you are connecting on LinkedIn you should follow the same rules that you used when you asked for a date?
I have been married for over thirty years. I only vaguely remember those awkward feelings when asking for a date. I do remember that I did not want to be …