Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

Customize Personal Branding
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Job Search Improvements: Customize Personal Branding For Maximum Effect

Most job seekers use traditional job search techniques, branding resumes functionally and by level. You need to customize personal branding in order to stand out.

However, some smart job seekers customize their personal brand, fitting individual employer needs.

The traditional method: Functional and management level branding

Traditional job search techniques had been the same for …

eBrandJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

5 Tips for Protecting Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become arguably today’s most valuable job searching tool, providing it’s users with endless possibilities for networking, connecting with colleagues from the past, and promoting and developing their businesses. But did you ever stop and think that the way in which you use LinkedIn could actually hurt your job search prospects?  Well it can!  …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

AOL Email Address Brands You As Technologically Obsolete

Your email is often the first thing an employer sees about you, so it forms part of your personal brand.

Many job seekers don’t think their email address matters. These are the same job seekers who unknowingly make it difficult to be found by email address for their job search and unknowingly brand themselves unfavorably.…

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

What do The 10% do Differently?

Frightening but true: only ten percent of people who’ve undergone radical surgery to save their lives actually change their habits to benefit from the operation. From Harvard Business Review, we learn that those clotted, fat-filled arteries are pretty much refilled with more grease and cheese, rather than kept open with a better diet and exercise …

Career & Wealthgen-yLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworking

The YEC Retooling and Retraining The American Workforce

Editor’s Note:  The YEC is an organization that partners with us and authors many blog posts here. The YEC seeks to retool and retrain the American workforce with mentorship from successful startups.  

America’s Top Entrepreneurs and Citi Set Out to Mentor the Nation’s Aspiring Business Owners

This Labor Day weekend, the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Resume Botox: 9 Ways Your Resume Can Avoid Ageism

So many 40+ job seekers complain about age bias. But many 40+ job seekers don’t realize that the way their resume brands them may actually cause or amplify ageism.

I talked about this in last week’s column “Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?“

This week, let’s discuss solutions to self-inflicted ageism, by examining ways …