Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

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Career Advice from Movies

Movies are not only fun to watch but also they can teach you something. They are great at showing other people’s successes and failures in certain situations and help you learn from these.  Therefore, as a working professional, whenever you need a break or some motivation, think about the below quotes and inspire yourself.

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Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingSuccess Story

Attitude Edition: The 5 things that can help you succeed

The Five Things That Can Help You Succeed: the Attitude Edition


The information is ubiquitous: our attitudes color how we see the world, how we respond to stimuli, and can even affect our health. So how can we cultivate the kind of attitude that helps us succeed at work? Here are five attitude factors …

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Make Meetings Matter: An Interview with Paul Axtell

What is the most dreaded part of your work day? For many, it’s the seemingly endless stream of meetings to talk about other meetings that we have to set up. In the workplace, often times nothing gets done as a result of this bottleneck, which can stall progress for an organization and a career. Fortunately, …

Communication & NetworkingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

To Win New Job, Think, Act Like Top Salesperson

ONCE OUR EXECUTIVE RECRUITING FIRM, The HTW (“Hire to Win”) Group, DECIDES TO PRESENT A CANDIDATE to one of our hiring company clients for an open position, we stress to the candidate that, from that point forward, she needs to consider herself as being in the sales business. The response we typically get? “Oh, my …