Mastering the Under-Share on LinkedIn
Everything you say is being recorded.
Be careful what you share.
How to make sure you don’t share everything, every time … on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn by default will share everything you post with everyone in your network. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but as you start to build your network and grow your reputation …

Link Social Media with Your Career Goals
Why is the phenomenon of social media so important?
Social media serve to develop mutual relationships based on trust. It is a very broad-based approach, as opposed to traditional networking, which is more targeted and narrower. For example, if you have a LinkedIn profile, a Web site, or a blog, people come to you to …

Top Hard Skills That Will Get You Hired Fast
LinkedIn recently announced the hottest skills of 2015 which got people hired. LinkedIn found this data by analyzing all of the hiring and recruiting activity that occurred on its website in 2015.
Cloud and Distributed Computing: 2015 was the year of cloud and it is no surprise to see that cloud and distributed computing is…

Mastering the LinkedIn Connection
We’ve all done it.
That lazy LinkedIn connection request.
We collectively need to stop.
Take 2 and Personalize It
Before sending that next LinkedIn Connection request take 2 minutes and make it personal. Here is a video that shows you how in less than 2 minutes. Let the person know how you met, where you …

Mastering the LinkedIn Unvite
There are times when you realize you need to pull back.
I’m talking about LinkedIn invites.
And, there is nothing wrong with this.
Why Unvites are OK and When to Use Them (video)
Reality Check
Have you ever sent out a bunch of LinkedIn invitations? Who hasn’t?
Maybe you just joined a new company or…

6 Ways Hobbies Can Advance Your Career
Regardless of whether your day job is your dream career, you need something outside of work that you enjoy spending time on. Hobbies can provide you with new challenges, new friends and acquaintances, and even provide an outlet for stress reduction.
Whether you knit, play basketball, write short stories, or perform on aerial silks, your …

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
The Fact is …
You have to keep learning.
You need to continue adapting.
Your Career Depends On It
The modern definition of a career is changing. In the past you could work at the same job year-in and year-out. You could put in your 20, 30 or even 40 years of service. Then get …

Social Networking Is Often Not Understood
Disclaimer: Social networking is not a substitute for attending social events, talking with others on the phone, or having lunch with someone.
To me there is no question of the growing importance of social networking for people in transition who are looking for their next career stop. However, for many middle-aged people, social networking may …

Cultivating a More Successful Work Ethic
Miracles in business don’t just happen. Opportunity never seeks us. Rather, we must seek it.
Needless to say, the only way to make a goal become a reality is to stick to a proposition and see it through to the end. Seeing a task through to completion regardless of how difficult it is to achieve …

What do you want … Money, Labor or Access?
When you are asking for help.
What do you really want?
What do you really need?
I typically see requests for one of three things.
You may be able to get all three.
However, you should know what you want before you make the ask. As you think about what you need to grow your …