Real World 101: What Every Graduate Should Know
As college students graduate from their degrees, they realize their expectations and the real world do not match. Although graduating from college is a great accomplishment which should be recognized, it is not the end. In fact, it is just the beginning of a totally new phase in life which the graduates are unfamiliar with. …
Complex Interviewing Strategies for All Levels
If you’re going to go for a job, you might as well take the time to focus, properly prepare and get the position. Naturally, this entails integrating complex business ideas so you appear competent, intelligent and knowledgeable to the interviewing party.
Complex Interviewing Strategies You Should Be Familiar WithBelow, we will show you how …
Mistakes, Mea Culpas and Moving On
No matter how pure your motives you will make mistakes.
Truth Test: Raise your hand if you have never made a mistake.
If true, you probably aren’t trying hard enough.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” ~ Albert Einstein
Mistakes Happen
We need to deal with them and move …
5 Best Practices for a Successful Job Search
AS THE ECONOMY AND THE JOB MARKET CONTINUE TO IMPROVE, YOU MAY BE AMONG THE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE NOW READY TO EXPLORE SOME OF THE MANY NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE. Be forewarned, however, that today’s job market remains very competitive, particularly when it comes to the best positions.
If it’s been …
Five Ways Volunteering Can Help Your Career
Volunteering for a good cause changes lives and doesn’t just benefit the people you’re helping. Beyond the obvious benefits of helping out in the community and making a difference, volunteering can both further your career and improve your life. Everybody wins.
Here’s how volunteering can help boost your career and your personal branding in ways …
Have You Made A Really Big Mistake?
The truth about your success is pretty grim. Success shines a light on your mistakes. Success often comes from the lessons you learned. They are most often carved out of experiences where you did not win. Where you lost, but got back up. Where you failed, but stood up to take another chance.
Your victories …
Timely ‘Thank You’ Note/Email Often Job Tie-Breaker
LOOKING FOR AN EASY, YET VERY EFFECTIVE WAY TO DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF IN A VERY POSITIVE WAY FROM THE “COMPETITION,” i.e., others seeking the same position(s) as you, during a new job search? Simply send a timely, well-written, short “Thank You” note or email following each and every face-to-face interview with a hiring manager.
Oh, you …
Can I Borrow a Cup of … Internet?
This is the season of excuses.
Actually, the season of excuses occurs more frequently than the ones that come to mind more readily: winter, spring, summer or fall. The season of excuses is familiar to every student and every teacher. It would shock and appall those who are funding education, loaning money for it or …
How to Craft Job Search Emails That Get Read
AS A PROFESSIONAL HEADHUNTER I GET LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF EMAILS EACH AND EVERY BUSINESS DAY FROM POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR POSITIONS I AM ATTEMPTING TO FILL for our recruiting firm’s hiring company clients. Here is a sad, depressing, discouraging fact about the overwhelming majority of these emails: Most are very poorly written and constructed, confused and …
How to Field a Hiring Pro’s First Phone Call
IF YOU HAVE BEEN CONDUCTING A SYSTEMATIC, WELL-THOUGHT-OUT, WELL-EXECUTED NEW JOB SEARCH, and if you have clearly positioned yourself as being among TOP candidates, in today’s burgeoning job market, sooner rather than later, you should expect to receive an initial contact from a hiring professional, i.e., a hiring manager, headhunter or in-house corporate recruiter. Nearly …