Stand Out in Your Email to an Employer
Hiring managers are inundated with resumes. Before opening a resume, they critique the email that it comes with. This means your email address, your written communication, your spelling, and your attitude are all evaluated, before they even look at your resume.
In reading Lazlo Bock’s NY Times Best-selling Book, WORK Rules, I learned some valuable …
How to Write a Persuasive Email
Email persuasion is about what you say and when you say it.
Aspects such as the day of the week, frequency of communication, consistency in tone and the right amount of simplicity all factor in our ability to persuade via written correspondence. They are the main variables that comprise influential email formulation.
Whether you are …
5 Ways To Get Yourself Out Of A Career Funk
Having an “off” day is one thing; feeling like you’re constantly churning with no end in sight can exhaust you and result in a life of misery. In an era where the lines are blurry between work and life, feeling an overwhelming drudgery for your work is unhealthy for the mind and physical being.
Whether …
5 Ways Women Give Away Power
The history of women in the workplace began 250 years ago with The Daughters of Liberty, the first society of working women that was organized to boycott British goods. In 1903, 138 years later, the first National Women’s Trade Union League was formed. This league advocated for higher wages and improved working conditions for women.…
What Do You Get When You Fall in Love?
Some people fill the world with silly love songs, wrote Paul McCartney. As a career coach, I wish they did not, at least when it came to falling in love with a certain company. I am alarmed by the number of clients who come to me with certainty about how perfect a specific company is …
Communication is Key to Winning
Everyone could use a little help with communications skills from time to time. The same is true for the work environment. Since we all have limited time to communicate, we should try to make the best of it. When you talk with people, you define your relationship with them. Choose your words carefully and you …
Where do you get in the Flow?
Where do you get your best ideas?
How do you find the time to work on them?
Is there a place you go to find your Flow?
Flow is Happiness
Getting in the flow is a good thing and something everyone should strive for as often as possible. Life will always intervene. However, it is …
8 Tips To Take Action With Your Career
Most careers don’t begin with a dream job. After one or two years, many careerists find themselves looking for a new opportunity to advance themselves. After five, 10 or even 20 years in your career, other types of career goals often emerge.
Maybe you are looking for more work-life balance. Maybe you have discovered that …
5 Smartt Tips for College Students
Getting the right job when you’re done with college starts during college. You’re competing against your college grads for those jobs! How do you secure the job you want and beat the competition? Here are my top 5 recommendations to get that job offer. SMARTT TIPS!
During college, work!…13 Phrases to Impress Your Interviewer
The overwhelming majority of interviewees who fail to impress a hiring manager do so because they are unable to incorporate dynamic and thoughtful phrases within their interview answers.
You can have the most impressive theories on business, the most intriguing insight on success, and the most pertinent information to deliver, but if you don’t learn …