Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

Thinking of Leaving Your Company? 4 Reasons to Stay
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryEducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Education vs Experience – Which One is More Important?

As we hit “back to the school” season, many people may start to think whether college education is a must. College education is expensive but certainly important especially in some fields. However, graduating from college is not a guarantee of landing a job immediately. You also need experience in your desired field. So, which one …

better salesperson
Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit Building

Encourage or Detract Clients: How You Solve Problems

Salespeople are invariably the ‘fall’ person for taking the blame when it comes to errors. The blame game is rampant inside the company and clientele hold the representative responsible. The very best approach is to quickly apologize and avoid all excuses. Your immediate apology indicates upfront you are to be trusted and maintains a reputable …