Advance Your Personal Brand and Let Content Persuade
Personal branders know objections and resistance are a part of the personal branding process and there are many great resources that detail strategies for handling objections. Many of these strategies focus on how to handle objections verbally in either face to face encounters or over the phone. There is much less thought leadership on how …
How to Design Contagious Presentation Slides
If you want to learn more about the science of delivering contagious presentations, be sure to download the eBook now and register for the August 19th Science of Presentations webinar.
Anyone who is working on developing a personal brand probably gives a number of presentations and they want people to talk about them. Tweets and …
Personal Branding Interview: Jeffrey Pfeffer
Today, I spoke to Jeffrey Pfeffer, who is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and the author of Power: Why Some People Have It—And Others. In this interview, Jeffrey talks about why he wrote a book on power, how to gain power and lose …
Your Book Idea into a Published Brand-Building Book
Writing is the biggest obstacle between ideas and personal brands; unless you take action on your ideas and actually write your article, start your blog, or finish your book, your ideas will never turn into career-enhancing SEO visibility and a brand-building published book.
And, it’s not just writing a book! The ability to take action …
Personal Branding Interview: Darren Hardy
Today, I spoke to Darren Hardy, who is the visionary force behind SUCCESS magazine as its Publisher and Editorial Director. He is the author of The Compound Effect. In this interview, Darren talks about the compound effect of success, why successful people can’t be good at everything, why it’s important to establish a routine, and …
More Examples of Entrepreneur Blog Posts
I have previously discussed how entrepreneurs should use a blog to build their personal brand and I have provided some examples of entrepreneur blog posts. Here are a few more examples of entrepreneur blog posts:
The Human Resources Blog:– Offering retirement savings for a small business: This would be an article talking about how …
Seth Godin’s 7-Point Guide to Bootstrap Your Personal Brand
Seth Godin is perhaps one of the most widely read marketers in the world, and with good reason. His long string of best-sellers have been pushing the envelope in marketing for decades.
Today we’ll extract some key lessons from his hit “The Bootstrapper’s Bible,” and apply them to your personal branding efforts. In the simplest …
Your Networking Etiquette Can Tank Your Brand
Building your personal brand has become an important factor in promoting yourself to hiring managers, employers, and potential clients. One facet of building your brand is networking and building your connections. Networking online or offline, following proper etiquette or netiquette can help build upon your reputation and character.
Is this really you?As you worked …
Win or Lose, You Choose. The Critical Skill That Builds Your Messaging Power And Everyone’s Valuation Of Your Brand
We hire the operations exec that keeps her cool under pressure; we don’t hire the guy for the C-suite marketing job, because he holds his knife and fork like a savage. We like the powerful and persuasive talker, but we offer the job to the guy who’s persuasive and listens, because he’ll gather the insights …
You Can’t Trademark Your Name…But You Can Buy It In Google
You have probably seen the recent viral video about the guy who bought the names of some top New York ad executives in Google to help land his dream job…and it worked! Watch the video here
This brings up an interesting dilemma for individuals who want to be found in Google. Unlike companies and …