Help… I’m in the Dark!
Who was the idiot who coined the expression, “Get it right the first time?” How many of us ever get it right the first time? One of the “laws of achievement” is that we’re not supposed to get it right the first time. When we work hard at something and fail (get the wrong results), …
What’s Your Preference, Sensing or Intuition?
Do you prefer to observe facts and realities or pay attention to ideas and possibilities? Identifying your personality preference for sensing or intuition helps in understanding how you choose to focus your attention.
One is not better than the other and, at times, everyone uses sensing and intuition to become aware of realities and ideas. …
Personal Branding Interview: Guy Kawasaki
Today, I spoke to Guy Kawasaki, who is the co-founder of, and the author of ten books including his latest called Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions. I interviewed Guy back in 2008 so I wanted to catch up with him again this year. In this interview, GUy talks about what …
The Answer is Advanced Sexuality
On the Sunday before Valentine’s Day, a client of mine hosted a seminar to attract new clients to visit his facility. BioMechanix Strength and Conditioning Clinic in Los Angeles is a training gym.
He was competing with the Grammy Awards down the street, where Lady Gaga arrived, carried in an egg shaped vessel. So, the …
The Unemployment Numbers Don’t Add Up
I am a motivational author, trainer, and blogger… but when disinformation and miscommunication are released by the government to hide the truth, someone has to speak out! The latest unemployment rate, according to the government, fell from 9.4 percent to 9.0 percent last month. Hogwash !
Either the data is inaccurate or the government better …
New Year’s Personal Branding Resolutions Update
A few weeks ago I proposed New Year’s Resolutions for Entrepreneurs and Personal Branding and explained how I will personally follow these rules to continue my personal branding. I will now propose these resolutions to you, the reader, and ask how you have improved your personal branding.
How have you improved?I will blog more.
Personal Branding Interview: David L. Rogers
Today, I spoke to David L. Rogers, who is the Executive Director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, and author of The Network Is Your Customer: 5 Strategies to Thrive in a Digital Age. In this interview, David talks about how social networks change our relationship with brands, his five …
Penelope Trunk on Book Publishing
Eighty-one percent of adults think they should write a book. In the same column where the New York Times reports this astounding statistic, the columnist, Joseph Epstein, provides the reasons why you should not have a book. Mostly, that your book will suck. But the problem is bigger than that.
Book writing is the distraction …
The Greatest Asset of Any Brand
What television shows will Americans want to watch in the coming years? What kind of fashions will people want to be wearing 3 to 5 years from now? What kind of apps and capabilities will entice consumers to purchase Smart phones in the …
Ask The Experts: What’s Your Favorite Personal Branding Pet Peeve?
I asked all the experts here on Personal Branding Blog for their personal branding pet peeves.
Notice any trends?
Deborah Shane:
One of my pet peeves about people’s personal branding on their social platforms is when they follow a conversation that not everyone knows about. Best to take that stuff one on one or in …