From Awkward Moments Into Opportunity
Have you ever been asked to recommend someone whose business practices you do not admire? Or with the advent of social media, have you been asked to “Like” a person or a business with which you have no familiarity?
In the hot seatThe situation of being asked to do this type of favor, in …
Personal Branding Interview: Jenny Blake
Today, I spoke to Jenny Blake, who is the author of and blogs at Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want and, where she provides simple, practical tips about life, work, money, happiness and personal growth. In this interview, Jenny talks about decisions college graduates need to make to have …
Shut Up!
I wish there were a better way to say this, but you have got to stop talking all the time. You know who you are. You’re the one who can answer a three word question like, “How are you?” with an essay longer than the Gettysburg address. You’re the one who takes the floor in …
Understanding Interviews: A Playbook for WOW Power
I love speaking to graduating students. It’s thrilling but there’s always the same poignant and pressing question in the Q&A session: “With so much competition out there, how do I make myself stand out and land that job?”
Best visual storytellerMy best answer? It’s about Wow Power. Go out and be the best visual …
The Art of “Sententia”
“Jay, your problem is you have too much time to think,” I was told by someone earlier in the week. I have to admit, even in jest, his remark caught me by surprise. I replied to him, “Your comment doesn’t even make sense.”
The statement reminded me of a neighbor I had many years ago, …
Personal Branding Interview: Tim Sanders
Today, I spoke to Tim Sanders, who is a New York Times bestselling author and his newest book is called Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence. In this interview, Tim talks about how he was inspired to write his new book, how you can get rich by giving, how social media …
Understanding Millennials’ Idea of Career Success
Are hiring managers seeing eye-to-eye with you?
While the recession may have pushed Millennials to say they have more realistic expectations about career advancement, hiring managers don’t yet see a change, according to The Future of Millennial Careers, a new study released by the Career Advisory Board, presented by DeVry University.
What Makes Millennials Different?…I’m Going to Fire You
The greatest predictor of success is failure. That’s true whether you are quitting smoking, shooting free throws or taking on a new function at work. Competence and reliable performance are born from learning why one route is a mistake and finding which micro changes of action and thought or macro alternatives of mindset and presence …
Personal Branding Interview #2: Penelope Trunk
Today, I spoke to Penelope Trunk, who I interviewed back in 2009, and she’s also guest blogged here. When you’re looking for unorthodox advice, transparency, and an authentic voice in the career management, only one personal brand comes to mind: Penelope Trunk. Penelope is a student and teacher of how the new economy is shaping …
Take Your Time Developing Your Personal Brand
“Does your brand splash around and do cannonballs off the side of the pool, or do you dive straight in and swim with a smooth, steady stroke”?
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your personal brand, reputation or business. Trying to rush it, bombard people with it and be too much in …