Why Job Hunting Just Became Easier (and Safer)!
Yes, you read the headline correctly! Job hunting did in fact just become easier—and safer!
I know what you’re probably thinking . . . Skip, have you completely lost your mind?! Don’t you know what’s been happening on Wall Street?! Don’t you read the bleak “jobs reports?!” Don’t you know there is genuine fear that …
Wall Street Whiplash Shakes Job Seeker Confidence
Waiting in line for hours to spend 90 seconds strapped in tight zooming up, down and around. This is a kid’s dream; riding roller coasters all day with their heart pounding and their stomach high up in their throat as they zoom down a track at 65mph turning and flipping.
Wall Street’s weeklong whiplashThe …
Video Killed the Job Seeker’s Chances
“Video Killed the Radio Star” led the charts in 1979 as the debut album for The Buggles and was the first music video shown on MTV at 12:01a.m. on August 1st, 1981. Video has now turned it’s destructive nature on unsuspecting job search candidates looking to amp up their brand with hot technology in hopes …
Powerfully Branding Yourself to Lose the Job Interview
In last week’s blog we examined how you can win at the face-to-face interview by effectively employing the “leading the witness” method/approach. This week we’ll take a look at how you can just as quickly and just as easily lose the interview if you unwittingly brand yourself as a “run-of-the mill,” “me-too” candidate.
To position …
Winning Face-to-Face Interview by ‘Leading the Witness’
In “‘Headhunter’ Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever!” I make the following statement, right up front, in the Introduction & Overview:
“. . . as we enter the new decade, there actually are two sets of rules being used to play the (hiring) game:
The old rules…One Resume Change That Will Significantly Increase Your Results
Remember the days of black and white TV? What about when couples read the newspaper over their morning coffee rather than flipping the virtual pages of the WSJ app on their iPads? Those days have passed, at least for most of us (my mom still watches black and white TV) and so has the resume …
Turbocharge Your Job Hunt with SimplyHired!
If you’ve read “‘Headhunter’ Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever! or any of the hundreds of articles and blogs I’ve written over the last several years, you already know that I strongly caution against making online job hunting the major focus of your job hunting efforts and …
67% of Employers Plan to Increase Hiring Soon
It’s about time that job seekers, and economists alike, heard some good news about hiring particularly in light of this month’s unemployment figures with an unemployment rate of 9.2% and a mere 18K new jobs, 92K less than expected.
According to Jobvite, the leading recruiting platform for the social web, 67% of companies will increase …
Job Hunting? Don’t Let the Media ‘Paralyze’ You!
As a job seeker, if you take everything the media has to say about the current job market literally, you’ll quite probably feel like skulking away and hiding in the nearest hole until things get better. I’m here to tell you, though, if you are job hunting, you shouldn’t let what you read or hear …
Should Your Online Persona Be Different From Your Offline?
“What if my personality in real life is different from my online one?” I was once asked during an interview. “Do I need to hide who I truly am online so people will want to connect with me and I can find a job?”
My answer: If you need to hide who you truly are …