5 Tips for Protecting Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
LinkedIn has become arguably today’s most valuable job searching tool, providing it’s users with endless possibilities for networking, connecting with colleagues from the past, and promoting and developing their businesses. But did you ever stop and think that the way in which you use LinkedIn could actually hurt your job search prospects? Well it can! …
Letter to an Unemployed Friend
Dear friend,
As I write these lines, I don’t know what your specific life circumstances or background are. I don’t know either how it is that you came to be unemployed, though in all likelihood it means that you are looking for your first job, that you were made redundant or that you voluntarily left …
Four Wheels, a Steering Wheel and a Chassis
Imagine that you are shopping for a new vehicle. You visit several competing dealerships and investigate several different makes and models. You end up being seriously interested in two vehicles, one at Dealership A and the other at Dealership B. How to decide between the two?
First you return to Dealership A and ask the …
How to Take Your Resume From “Blah” to “Wow”
It seems so simple, doesn’t it? After all, who better knows where you’ve been and what you’ve done than you? Open up your Word file and dump all that information into a pleasing format, forward it to a prospective employer or two, then sit back and wait for the phone to ring.
Before you hit …
AOL Email Address Brands You As Technologically Obsolete
Your email is often the first thing an employer sees about you, so it forms part of your personal brand.
Many job seekers don’t think their email address matters. These are the same job seekers who unknowingly make it difficult to be found by email address for their job search and unknowingly brand themselves unfavorably.…
3 Secrets To Looking More Likeable
It’s NOT “all about who you know.” This overused, inaccurate cliché cheapens the importance of presenting yourself the right way and building genuine relationships.
Here’s the truth: It’s all about who likes you and who respects you.
There is a HUGE difference between knowing someone (or having someone “know” you) and having someone like you …
Resume Botox: 9 Ways Your Resume Can Avoid Ageism
So many 40+ job seekers complain about age bias. But many 40+ job seekers don’t realize that the way their resume brands them may actually cause or amplify ageism.
I talked about this in last week’s column “Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?“
This week, let’s discuss solutions to self-inflicted ageism, by examining ways …
6 Ways To Follow-Up Without Being Annoying
Whether you are a job-seeker, a salesperson, or an entrepreneur, it can be a challenge to be persistent without being seen as annoying. While each situation needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis, here are 6 ways to follow-up without being a pain in the neck:
1. Schedule your follow-up and have a reason …
Looking for New Job NOT Being ‘Disloyal’ to Employer!
Loyalty is indeed an admirable and highly valued trait—in personal relationships, i.e., our friends, families and spouses (or significant others). And oh, did I mention how very important it is to also be loyal to ourselves!? When it comes to business situations, however—and in particular the business relationship we have with a current employer—the waters …
Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?
You wouldn’t brand yourself as inflexible, non-current, stuck in your ways, unwilling to adapt new skills, tired, out of touch, retired-on-the-job, unmanageable, unwilling to take constructive feedback, or overpriced … would you?
Well, you certainly wouldn’t brand yourself this way on purpose.
Yet that’s exactly what many 40+ job seekers do, without realizing it.
Could …