CBS’s The Job: The Job Interview on Steroids
I happened to catch the second installment of a new CBS “reality” show, The Job, last Friday night (8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT – also available for later viewing at that captures the essence (in a highly condensed fashion, of course!) of the interview process involved in the typical job search in today’s extremely …
5 Ways to Energize A Long Job Search
Job search can be a rollercoaster ride, from the thrill of a forthcoming interview to the letdown of losing out on a job to another ‘more qualified’ candidate. Sometimes weeks, months – even a year or more – pass and you’re still sitting, glued to your computer, wondering when your resume submission will spark interview …
Shocking New Plague In Business: Mouth Sewage
Americans spend about $1 billion annually to manage bad breath. Dental visits, tooth brushing, tongue scraping, gum, mints and even antacids are part of the arsenal of weapons we use to prevent our breath from offending people around us.
I have a ZERO COST solution to the real sewage coming out of your mouth.
I’m …
How Objective Statements Affect Your Personal Brand
I get asked this question at least once a week – “What do you think about objective statements?”
What I think isn’t important. What the reader of your resume thinks … that’s what’s critical.
Objective statements became a standard part of traditional resumes when there were candidate shortages. When there were candidate shortages, it was …
10 Killer Strategies for Getting a Job
1. North Dakota
2. Nebraska
3. South Dakota
4. Iowa
5. Wyoming
6. Oklahoma
7 Vermont
8. Hawaii
9. Utah
10. Kansas
You might be thinking, “These aren’t strategies, they’re states. You would be wrong and right. Yes, they are states. But, they are also places that pave the way for a strategic move (literally) …
Use Resume Real Estate To Amplify Your Personal Brand
What you put on your resume is part of how you brand yourself. But where you place information on your resume can amplify it … or bury it.
You might have all the right information on your resume that brands you as the superior candidate. But if you place that information in the wrong place, …
How NOT To Ask For Referrals
Referrals are a key to success throughout your career, no matter what type of work you do. However, many people ask for referrals the wrong way. Consider the following scenario…
Imagine that you have spent years building a professional relationship with someone who is a leader in your field. Let’s call him John. Over time, …
Self-Confidence and Your Personal Brand
Self-confidence, while hard to build, is a key component to any personal branding. In nearly any type of business, successful job search or fulfilling career, when we are confident in our personal brands through a strong sense of self-worth, our capabilities are as limitless as our imagination.
Conversely, when we lack the self-confidence necessary to …
When Should You Ask the Hard Questions
There are times when you know you need to ask a question … even when you are pretty sure you don’t want to know the answer.
When is the right time to ask these questions? Is there ever a right time to ask these questions? Should you even ask these questions?
It’s easy to dance …
Personalized Hiring Manager References Improve Your Personal Brand
Your references can mean the difference between being winning the job vs just being a finalist.
Can your references increase the chances you’ll actually win the job over the other finalists?
Think about your references from past employers. Sure, all your references probably say great things about you (otherwise you probably wouldn’t list them as …