Personal Branding By Understanding The Hiring Process
Do you realize that how well you understand the hiring process has a big impact on your personal brand … and on your chances of getting hired?
Most job seekers think that understanding the hiring process just means learning the email address to send a resume (or URL to post). That’s really the least important …
Accepting a Job Offer at a Bad Company?
Many times, job seekers will make very quick decisions as to which firm they accept a job offer at only to find themselves unhappy shortly after starting with the company. The majority of the time, it is not their fault.
For many applicants it can be difficult to differentiate the great firms from the subpar …
How to Handle Rejection
Rejection is a natural part of life. Whether by someone we found attractive, our top college pick, or the sports team we didn’t make, we have all, at some point, felt the pain and disappointment of being rejected.
Nowhere is rejection more common than in job search. And just like every other aspect of the …
5 Common Résumé Mistakes That Can Sink Your Candidacy
While, ultimately, the claim that the traditional résumé is “dead” may indeed prove to be true, significant to note, currently it still has a LOT of life left in it! As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, some high-tech companies seem to be moving toward the video-oriented résumé (or some other “non-conventional” format), yet the vast …
Information Keeps Your Personal Brand Current
… and allows you to brand yourself as a superior candidate.
Information is power …
The information you use to shape your communications with employers is critical to your success … or lack of success in landing a job.
But the information that most candidates use is lacking … and inferior information brands you as …
5 Ways to Prepare for an Interview
‘Cultural Fit’ and Your Personal Brand
So what is ‘cultural fit’ and how does it relate to personal branding? A recent article in Forbes, Employers Hire Potential Drinking Buddies Ahead of Top Candidates, got me thinking about this question. After all, your qualifications and credentials are the table stakes that will get your foot in the door, but your character is …
How to Build a Powerful Resume
Though the majority of the career world raves about video resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and personal blogs for the use of recruitment, the truth is that resumes are still a necessity for the majority of job positions. If you’re experienced and are going after a position at an early-stage tech startup, then perhaps you can get …
Obsolete Information Brands Job Seekers As Obsolete
Could one of your job search problems be that you’re using obsolete information?
How do you think obsolete job search information causes you to brand yourself on your resume and during an interview?
When you use obsolete information in your job research, you focus on keywords, employer issues and employer problems that aren’t problems anymore …
You are a Company, Even as a Job Seeker
Here you are, trying to get a job. You knock on a door of yet another company you are interested in. You hope they open that door. You hope you are good enough for them to invite you in. You hope they pick you from the crowd that gathered around this opportunity. The process is …