Using Your Network in a Job Search
Networking is not a dirty word.
Networking is something you should be doing all the time.
As noted in this previous post … Growing your Network is your Job
Since it’s your job … or at least part of it … you should feel comfortable and confident using it when you are making a change …

6 Things You Learn in a Job Search
There are a lot of truths you will discover about yourself and others in the job search process.
Everything from recommendations to referrals, to people you have helped and now cannot seem to find 5 minutes to call you back, to the way you can insure your job search process is as smooth and professional …

In-Transition: The Spouse’s Vantage Point
My intent in using the word spouse is more inclusive, so as to refer to significant other or life partner as well. I’m unfortunately qualified to write on this subject by being a married practicing career coach who has personally experienced a 30-month transition.
Although I never ask my clients for personal information, many times …

Are You Ready for A New Career In the New Year?
Signals for the Time is Now
No doubt your career has seen twists and turns along with a steady stream of endeavors. It has undoubtedly brought both challenges and reward. It’s comfortable, and you know what needs to be done each day until the realization hits that the same old no longer works.
Focus plus …

You’ve Got the Job Offer, Now What?
You’ve been thinking about it. You’ve been dreaming about it. Now it’s in your hand or at least in your inbox. That job offer you’ve been dreaming of is finally here.
Now what?
All your hard work. All your research. All your effort’s, including time away from family, friends, and fun activities.
First off … …

Job Hunting Through The Holidays
Can I tell you a little secret?
Smart people keep job hunting through the holidays.
Smart people realize a few things about job hunting through the holidays:
There is less competition Hiring managers are still looking HR professionals get to pick from a very smart and select groupFamily Will Understand
Your friends and family …

We Become So Ugly
Often I ask myself why we have become so ugly. As a practicing career coach, I always get infuriated when clients complain about the abuse and mistreatment they suffer from recruiters and organizations they apply to for posted job openings. What is the source of such disrespect and contempt directed at people who in the …

Learn How to Interview Like a Politician
It doesn’t matter what questions they are asked. When debating, politicians come prepared to speak about certain key points that they want to get across to the audience.
These topics are well rehearsed and serve no other point than to make that person appear more likable, intelligent, relatable, competent (i.e., they are meant to paint …

Best and Worst Resume Keywords
Recruiters do not always look for candidates for a single position. They generally try to hire for several positions at the same. Therefore, they may not always know the details of every position as much as the hiring manager does. Instead, they only know the basics and use certain keywords to look for candidates. As …

Job Search Tactics That Work
In today’s business world, a college degree does not automatically lead to a great job the way it typically did in the past. Today, in addition to that college degree, one has to learn how to find a job—and be good at it. This additional challenge represents a significant barrier to some job seekers and …