Partner with Recruiters to Manage your Career
Recruiters are an integral part of the hiring process at most companies. There are several things you need to understand about them.
They are people who like dealing with people. Most recruiters became recruiters because they are social and like helping others. In general, they are very nice people. They change jobs frequently. We all…6 Reasons Employers Will Pay You More
When employers come to us, they all have broad requirements as to the traits they are seeking in the sales or marketing rep whom they are looking to hire.
Some have overly stringent background requirements. Others may just want someone who is intelligent, ambitious and fits in well with the company culture. Regardless, in an …
Why Cover Letters Still Matter
It may be the era of texting, multitasking and communicating in 140 characters or less, but when it comes to finding a job, cover letters still matter. Long gone are the days when you would send a recruiter or hiring manager a cover letter and resume in the mail, but even though the medium of …
Focus On What You Can Do For Your Company!
The hiring process can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating as more candidates are competing for fewer jobs in a rapidly changing economy. There is a lot of advice online regarding how to ace an interview but much of it focuses on what to say and almost suggests there should be scripted answers to hiring managers’ …
Death Battle: Resumes vs. LinkedIn Profiles
I am writing this post because I want to help you be more successful in advancing your career, whether in active or passive job search mode. I want you to avoid the wasted time and frustrations arising from ineffective activities that produce minimal results. At the top of my ineffective activities list are applying for …
What Moving to a New City Means for Your Brand
Moving to a new city is a really big decision. You need to save up whatever you can, learn a new city, and meet new people. You essentially have to start over. One of the challenges you’ll face (that you may have not considered) is what moving will mean for your personal brand.
In a …
Are You Going to Accept the Wrong Job Offer?
Good decisions are the foundation of a successful career. One of the most important career decisions you will make (or are currently making) is what company to accept a job offer from.
When you work for a top-rate company, you enjoy the following benefits:
A happier career. A higher class of co-worker. More money. More…Tell People You’re Job Hunting Without Seeming Desperate
You’re on the search for a new job, and you know the best path to your next one is to reach out to your network to see if they can help. But how can you tell people you’re looking for a new job or a career change without seeming desperate? Here are a few do’s …
Who’s “Directing” Your Career?
Shakespeare is famous for penning “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts”. How can we relate this metaphor to your employment and future career? Let me give it a shot….
The traditional and …
Negotiate the Job Offer to Win
You wanted this job so bad, and finally the offer arrived. The adrenaline is flowing freely, and you feel like sharing the good news with the entire world—certainly with those who contributed to your win. But is this job a really good deal? Could you have gotten a better deal if you only knew how?…