Being Persuasive, Personable and Positive During the Interview Process
With the economy significantly improving, launching a successful job search has become slightly less labor intensive. Regardless, job seekers who are looking to execute a fruitful employment search in today’s corporate environment ought to become familiar with advanced interviewing, persuasion and positivity strategies. If used properly, these tactics yield a higher salary, heightened confidence and …
5 Tips to Boost Confidence for a Job Interview
Rejection is no fun, and it’s why many people don’t venture out to try things that might lead to hearing “no”. But when it comes to employment, you don’t usually have a choice about being in a position to be rejected. Most employers want to see and talk to you before deciding whether or not …
Career Stalled? Get YOUR Career Back in HIGH Gear!
It would be rather difficult to exaggerate the catastrophic—and still lingering—effects of the economic tsunami which became known as The Great Recession. Financial markets, and by extension, labor markets, worldwide were very suddenly and quite adversely affected by the economic plummet. While overall conditions have improved, in many parts of the world, including in the …
How to Upgrade Your Resume, Part 5
Would you like a resume that helps you advance your career by appealing to recruiters and hiring managers? As an executive career coach who sees hundreds and writes many resumes each month, I can tell you that less than 90% of the resumes out there are ineffective. Could yours be part of the 90%? In …
The Anatomy of the Job Interview
There are a few basics that every person who’s preparing for, or facing a job interview, should know. A job interview is not an interrogation or an investigation. You are not guilty and you are not on trial. In fact, you have a great opportunity to get an exciting job. But before that, let’s understand …
Building Confidence by Staying in a Positive State of Mind
Any sales professional will tell you that their numbers will significantly decline or raise with their expectations. Much of this has to stem from the fact that individuals who expect negative outcomes will become less resilient, utilize a mere fraction of their creative mindset and will appear less confident in front of a potential buyer.…
How to Upgrade Your Resume, Part 4
Would you like a resume that helps you advance your career by appealing to hiring managers and recruiters who review your resume? As an executive career coach who sees hundreds and writes many resumes each month, I can tell you that less than 10% of the resumes out there are effective. I want you to …
Are YOU Still Laboring in ‘Stable Misery’? Why?!
One of the great ironies of life is that, while so many of us both fear and dread change, it is really the only genuine, reliable constant in our lives. Some people will suffer almost any indignity and/or inconvenience and go to virtually any lengths to avoid making a change in their lives–no matter how …
Ways to Get Help While in Transition
The first question is, Why do you need help to start with? After all, in the past, you were always able to find jobs. Well, today things are different. There aren’t many open jobs to begin with, and the competition for those few is fierce. So, let’s think about good reasons to get assistance.
Your…Choose Your Boss Not Your Job
When you go to a job interview, you get the chance to meet with the people you will potentially be working with and have an idea of the culture of the company. Therefore, it is very important to work with coworkers that you can connect with since you will be spending time with them at …