10 Factors to Weigh When Defining Your DREAM Job
Ask most people to define what their DREAM job would look like and you’re likely to get answers such as these:
“I would make more money and get a significant promotion.” “I would work for a company that gives me considerably more responsibility and authority and my skills and talents would be genuinely appreciated. “My…New Year, New Career
Each new year offers a time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new one. And this year is no exception. With the economy continuing to improve, more people are likely to seek career improvement in 2015.
As I reflected back on clients who were successful in making career improvements in …
2015: Year of Change, or Same Old, Same Old?
As you are reading this post 2014 is history; 2015 has taken center stage. Where will the New Year take you? Where will you take the New Year? If you find yourself in a job that you’ve come to loathe, will you continue to labor on in “stable misery” for yet another year? Or, will …
Working for a Family Owned Business – Pros and Cons
Family Owned Business
Have you considered going to work for a family owned business?
These businesses have their own special qualities.
What prompted me to write about this was an e-mail I received after I posted my LinkedIn Publisher post, Are You a Perfect Fit for the Job? Then You Will Not Get It!
The …
How to Create and Use an Infographic Resume
Pictures are not only worth a thousand words, they can also help you get a job. Visual content is more appealing to look at and can illustrate quickly, making them ideal for resumes. While many creative types are using infographic resumes, there are some situations in which you’ll want to stick to traditional text in …
New Year’s Resolution: Get a Coach?
Last week I was contacted by a late-thirties executive who was seeking a career coach. He said he had worked previously with a coach in an other state, the result of which was a move to Atlanta with a step up to a Vice President position and considerably more income. I asked him why he …
One Face-to-Face Interview and You’re Out! Why?
You worked diligently on your résumé and cover letter, polishing them to perfection. Then you submitted them both for a position you sought. Soon thereafter you received a screening call from the hiring company’s Human Resources Department. You evidently passed that test with flying colors because soon thereafter the hiring manager contacted you to set …
Job Searching During the Holidays
Many job seekers stop job hunting during holidays. But no, you should never stop searching for a job even if it is the holiday season. You may feel like no one is hiring during the holidays. However, you are missing out one point. Companies don’t stop recruiting and in fact they hire more people in …
What Affects Your Ability to Make Money
This quarter, our recruiting firm received upwards of 33,000 resumes from all levels of sales and marketing job seekers from around the U.S. Nearly every income bracket, education level and age is represented.
I’ve spent time wondering why is Sally making 35% more than Bob, even though Bob is just as good an employee. As …
Networking: Your New Year Cure for the Career Blahs
Another new year is just around the corner. And if you are part of the 15% of workers who a Gallup poll says are underemployed or the 53% of workers who a Conference Board survey says are not satisfied with their current employment, perhaps this is time to dust off your networking shoes and get …