What Are You Missing?
From the moment you wake up, opportunities are staring you in the face. So why are you missing out on them? Why are you missing out on the job promotion that’s available, the openings at the companies you admire, and the business opportunities – even the investor who is staring you in the face?
You …
Avoid These 3 Resume Mistakes
According to Dictionary.com, the definition for resume is “a summing up; summary;” and, “a brief written account of personal, educational and professional qualifications and experiences, as that prepared by an applicant for a job.”
With this somewhat broad definition in mind, job seekers often get consumed by understanding the details of what to do when …
Stand Out in Your Email to an Employer
Hiring managers are inundated with resumes. Before opening a resume, they critique the email that it comes with. This means your email address, your written communication, your spelling, and your attitude are all evaluated, before they even look at your resume.
In reading Lazlo Bock’s NY Times Best-selling Book, WORK Rules, I learned some valuable …
5 Job Search Tips for Baby Boomers
By the time many of us turn 50, there is a good chance we have been working for 35 or more years. Of course, this is taking into account those teen summer and college jobs that helped pay for books, clothes and parties. That is an awful lot of work experience regardless of what those …
What Do You Get When You Fall in Love?
Some people fill the world with silly love songs, wrote Paul McCartney. As a career coach, I wish they did not, at least when it came to falling in love with a certain company. I am alarmed by the number of clients who come to me with certainty about how perfect a specific company is …
3 Best Ways To Customize Your Resume
Customization is key. Never before have those three words applied more to the job market. Today, recruiters and hiring managers aren’t looking for resumes with generic experience; they’re looking for job seekers with resumes that directly relate to the role being filled.
In fact, 87 percent of the 411 HR professionals surveyed by SHRM in …
Communication is Key to Winning
Everyone could use a little help with communications skills from time to time. The same is true for the work environment. Since we all have limited time to communicate, we should try to make the best of it. When you talk with people, you define your relationship with them. Choose your words carefully and you …
The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing Interviewing
For the majority of companies, marketing recruiting is one the most difficult human resources activities. Subject complexity has made it nearly impossible for HR representatives to determine job applicant aptitude based on their technical abilities.
What they do know is their desired end-goal. With limited knowledge, hiring managers and recruiters do their best to determine …
Do You Fail the Invisible Job Interview?
Disneyland may be the happiest place on earth, but the Disney store is not. The miserable experience of that retail environment at Santa Monica Promenade in California is remarkable for its consistently angry retail clerks and harsh restrictions on purchase. Nothing about the Disney brand gets you ready for it.
As a business owner and …
5 Things To Know Before Going Into A Job Interview
You walk into the interview room and you are ready. You’re looking good, feeling confident, and ready to show off your skills. But then things start to go south. The interviewer isn’t smiling, he doesn’t seem that interested in what you have to say, and wait‑‑did he just yawn?
Even if you give stellar responses …