Real Goal Of The HR Interview: To Eliminate You!
Great news! The Human Resources Department of a company to which you recently applied, and which may have already successfully “screened” you as a potential candidate with a preliminary telephone interview, now wants to set up a face-to-face interview with you at company headquarters! The company must really be serious about you as a candidate, …
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
If I had one wish that could be fulfilled by every job candidate I see, it’s that he or she would want to earn a million dollars a year, plus bonuses. I’ve asked lots of other business owners and they seem to agree that there’s one quality sorely missing from job seekers. That quality is …
Personal Branding Author Interview: James Marshall Reilly
Today, I spoke to James Marshall Reilly who is the author of Shake The World: It’s Not About Finding a Job, It’s About Creating a Life and the founder of Guild Agency Speakers Bureau & Intellectual Talent Management. Reilly was honored at the White House as one of the Top 100 entrepreneurs in the U.S. …
Inside Fortune 500: Personal Branding Interview With Sears CMO
Like many of today’s professionals, Sears has been through good times and bad. Unlike the Google, Groupon and Facebook’s of the world, Sears has weathered the storm for over 150 years. Integrating brand history, today’s consumers and the hottest technology gives the CMO a unique perspective that I wanted to understand better.
Meet Bill Kiss. …
Executive Recruiting Secrets: My Interview with MVP Recruiters CEO
Are you tired of reading how to revise and refresh your resume? I’m tired of writing and speaking about resume and interview tips too! That’s what inspired me to go in search of how to really get you, today’s job seeker, in front of recruiters and hiring managers. What advice do these hard to reach …
The Most Overrated Jobs of 2011
Earlier this month I blogged about 5 recession-resistant careers that were each part of CareerCast’s Most Underrated Jobs of 2011. When CareerCast caught wind of my blog, they offered the chance to interview Tony Lee, publisher of CareerCast when they released their newest list, The Most Overrated Jobs of 2011. The Top 5 Most Overrated …
Personal Branding Magazine Issue 18 With Clayton Christensen!
Volume 5, Issue 2 focuses on how to innovate and cause disruption in your industry. Clayton Christensen, featured in our cover story, is a pioneer when it comes to teaching companies how to build and maintain a successful enterprise through innovation. “Disruption innovation,” a …
Personal Branding Interview: Stephen R. Covey
This post originally appeared in my column.
Today, I spoke with Stephen R. Covey and we focused on his new book “The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life’s Most Difficult Problems,” which just came out today! Dr. Covey is the author of the worldwide bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. First written in 1989, …
Conquering Uncertainty: An Interview with Jonathan Fields
Follow your dreams. It’s a nice sentiment in principle, but how many of us actually follow through with it? Far too often, we get tied down with a backup plan and our extravagant dream life fades away in favor of the ‘safer’ alternative. But what does it take to actually make the leap into an …
Personal Branding Interview: Jason Keith
Today, I spoke to Jason Keith, who is the senior communications manager at Vistaprint and runs the small business blog at In this interview, Jason talks about how social media can waste a small businesses time, tips for companies who want to build a brand in this bad economy, and much more.
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